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Pass through Grants #57

Open qjhart opened 2 years ago

qjhart commented 2 years ago

We have added a new component to grants ucdrp:subAwardOf that can be used to specify the originating grant. We need to make sure this grant information is passed to the elastic search index.

qjhart commented 2 years ago

The example data for this is available at gs://ucd-research-profiles/datasets/grants-test/experts.trig.gz You can get use this as a corpus for createing these UI changes.

qjhart commented 2 years ago

I updated, the experts test data for the grants database. We are trying to standardize on JSON, so I changed the name. See, https://console.cloud.google.com/storage/browser/ucd-research-profiles/datasets/grants-test;tab=objects

Data Ingest,

gsutil cat $file | zcat | dc exec -T fuseki curl --data-binary @- -X POST  http://fuseki:3030/experts/data -H "Content-Type: application/ld+json"

But, then we have to get that data into the model for the client, so... https://github.com/ucd-library/vessel/tree/qjh-subaward is the development branch with that change. So, you can: git fetch --all --prune; git checkout qjh-subaward; cmds/build-local.sh and then when you re-index, the subaward should be in there.

It's kinda a pain, but you get to exercise the reindex, and the debug-record, (eg .http://localhost:8080/admin/grant/112113) which I think is kinda what Justin has planned for you anyways.

UcDust commented 2 years ago

Excerpts from a slack conversation with Sabrina / Kimmy / Quinn:

Kimmy: From the limited info I see in the issue, a subaward is a grant that is awarded as part of another grant, is that correct? So they would have their own separate entries in Aggie Experts but need to reference each other? Assuming that is the case, Is the agency that awards the subaward the same as the originating grant or can it be different/does it vary? Can grants have multiple subawards? Does both the “parent” originating grant need to list and link its subawards + vice versa (the subaward link back to the “parent” grant)? Is “subawards” common/known jargon for our audience? Do we have any examples of how other institutions/tools handle this information?

Quinn: We added the subAwardOf as a second award, primarily because we didn't want to redo this again in 18 mos, when we have more information about the originating grant, but for now, the only additional piece of information we have is the originating funding agency. So to answer your questions: For now, we have such little additional info, we will only show one grant, the sub-award. The subaward agency,and originating one are probably never the same, and we are most interested in showing the originating agency Yes, a grant could have multiple ones in theory, in the near term, no. Because we can't know that from the data we have Only the sub-award need be in any link I don't think subaward is common jargon I don't know of any examples Yeah, so in this case, Dr. ** presumably helped write a grant as Co-PI to the Federal Highway Admin, (with that title as the grant) with someone at U of Illinois as the PI (so they get the $$). Then Uof IIl funded UCD, but we want it clear that the grant was to the Federal Highway Admin. The problem is that right now, we can't actually be sure that the title and the grant number really are in relation to the originating grant or not, so we are guessing.

UcDust commented 2 years ago


@wrenaria this is what the page looks like, which is in sandbox (also in the dataset provided by Quinn, it's grant 104808).