ucdavis / Peaks

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Sync/Pull assets from ServiceNow #996

Open UCDFeedbackBot opened 4 years ago

UCDFeedbackBot commented 4 years ago

It would be really great if PEAKS could pull assets from ServiceNow to import as equipment in PEAKS. Many if not all of the fields in PEAKs for equipment already exist in SN and are (or can be) populated. The following fields exist in SN assets and can be direct transferred to peaks: assigned to via AD3 username, location (building + room), bigfix ID, protection level, serial number, make/model (to a certain extent), device name. A quick search in my departments' (and notably incomplete) asset module shows 383 computers. Importing all of those manually (even via CSV) and then keeping in sync would be a pain and a duplication of effort. Would be really appreciated if PEAKS could just pull that data periodically. Even better if it could push data back because god knows it's easier to work in PEAKS than SN for certain tasks (coughactuallyhavingwriteapicough) but I understand if that's too big a request.

Votes: 3 Author: rcasteli Voters: rcasteli,adam,vanslyke

UCDFeedbackBot commented 1 year ago

Using PEAKS API recommended workaround for now -- will consider again in the future once the campus asset management team sets a clear direction

Author: postit