ucdavis / erplab

ERPLAB Toolbox is a free, open-source Matlab package for analyzing ERP data. It is tightly integrated with EEGLAB Toolbox, extending EEGLAB’s capabilities to provide robust, industrial-strength tools for ERP processing, visualization, and analysis. A graphical user interface makes it easy for beginners to learn, and Matlab scripting provides enormous power for intermediate and advanced users.
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Error when starting EEGlab #159

Closed PaulSteinfath closed 1 year ago

PaulSteinfath commented 1 year ago


When I start eeglab I get the following error:

An error occurred while initializing child process: While attempting to execute "mv -f "/data/pt_02584/Patty/Toolboxes/eeglab2021.1/plugins/ERPLAB9.00/erplab_Box/eventlist_backup_7387245778703704" "/tmp/MATLAB_Files_22-Jul-2022_13_30_12/eventlist_backup_7387245778703704"" in context { environment : { ARCH : glnxa64, AUTOMOUNT_MAP : , BASEMATLABPATH : , DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS : unix:path=/run/user/13438/bus, DISPLAY : localhost:17.0, ENVLIST : matlab=9.12, FB_COLORIZE : 0, GFORTRAN_STDERR_UNIT : -1, GFORTRAN_STDIN_UNIT : -1, GFORTRAN_STDOUT_UNIT : -1, HISTCONTROL : ignoreboth, HISTSIZE : 50000, HOME : /data/hu_steinfath, ICU_TIMEZONE_FILES_DIR : /afs/cbs.mpg.de/software/matlab/9.12/bin/icutzdata, KMP_BLOCKTIME : 1, KMP_HANDLE_SIGNALS : 0, KMP_INIT_AT_FORK : false, KMP_STACKSIZE : 512k, KRB5CCNAME : FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_13438_zXLSeNr1ak, LANG : en_US.UTF-8, LANGUAGE : en_US:en, LC_NUMERIC : C, LD_LIBRARY_PATH : /afs/cbs.mpg.de/software/matlab/9.12/sys/os/glnxa64:/afs/cbs.mpg.de/software/matlab/9.12/bin/glnxa64:/afs/cbs.mpg.de/software/matlab/9.12/extern/lib/glnxa64:/afs/cbs.mpg.de/software/matlab/9.12/cefclient/sys/os/glnxa64:/afs/cbs.mpg.de/software/matlab/9.12/runtime/glnxa64:/afs/cbs.mpg.de/software/matlab/9.12/sys/java/jre/glnxa64/jre/lib/amd64/native_threads:/afs/cbs.mpg.de/software/matlab/9.12/sys/java/jre/glnxa64/jre/lib/amd64/server, LD_PRELOAD : , LOCALPROFILE : cbs-fb, LOGNAME : steinfath, MATLAB : /afs/cbs.mpg.de/software/matlab/9.12, MATLABPATH : , MCRROOT : /afs/cbs.mpg.de/software/matlab/9.12/debian-bullseye-amd64, MEMKIND_HEAP_MANAGER : TBB, MKL_DOMAIN_NUM_THREADS : , MKL_NUM_THREADS : , MOTD_SHOWN : pam, OLDPWD : /afs/cbs.mpg.de/software/matlab/9.12, OSG_LD_LIBRARY_PATH : /afs/cbs.mpg.de/software/matlab/9.12/sys/openscenegraph/lib/glnxa64, PAGER : /usr/bin/less, PARALLEL_SERVER_EXPERIMENTAL_MJS_VER : , PARALLEL_SERVER_EXPERIMENTAL_PLR_VER : , PARALLEL_SERVER_EXPERIMENTAL_SER_TYPE : , PATH : /afs/cbs.mpg.de/software/matlab/9.12/debian-bullseye-amd64/bin:/bin:/sbin:/opt/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/afs/cbs.mpg.de/software/scripts:/afs/cbs.mpg.de/software/scripts/science:/afs/cbs.mpg.de/software/bin/linux:/usr/games, PERL5LIB : /afs/cbs.mpg.de/software/perllib, PRE_LD_PRELOAD : , PWD : /data/hu_steinfath, PYTHONPATH : /afs/cbs.mpg.de/software/pythonlib/python3.5:/afs/cbs.mpg.de/software/matlab/9.12/debian-bullseye-amd64/extern/engines/python/dist, SHELL : /bin/bash, SHINTERACTIVE : 1, SHLVL : 0, SHTERM : 1, SSH_CLIENT : 39872 22, SSH_CONNECTION : 39872 22, SSH_TTY : /dev/pts/9, TERM : xterm-256color, TOOLBOX : /afs/cbs.mpg.de/software/matlab/9.12/toolbox, USER : steinfath, XDG_RUNTIME_DIR : /run/user/13438, XDG_SESSION_CLASS : user, XDG_SESSION_ID : 1795, XDG_SESSION_TYPE : tty, XFILESEARCHPATH : /afs/cbs.mpg.de/software/matlab/9.12/sys/java/jre/glnxa64/jre/lib/locale/%L/%T/%N%S:, __KMP_REGISTERED_LIB_82474 : 0x7fca99531708-cafef591-libiomp5.so }, std_in : inherit_from_parent, std_out : pipe_to pipe { source : 931, sink : 932 }, std_err : merge_with_stdout, directory : unspecified, user : unspecified, inherited_handles : { }, detached_process : --, explicitly inherit handles : --, create_no_window : -- }: No such file or directory (trace: execve

The error is temporarily solved if I clear all the files in: /data/pt_02584/Patty/Toolboxes/eeglab2021.1/plugins/ERPLAB9.00/erplab_Box/ However, when I run some analyses the folder "erplab_Box" fills up and I get the same error again. Does anyone have advice on how to resolve this?
#### Versions | | | |----| ---- | | OS version | Debian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye) | | Matlab version | 2202a| | EEGLAB version | 2021.1 / 2022 | | ERPLAB version | 9|
andrewxstewart commented 1 year ago

Hi Paul. Does Matlab have full write access to the folder in which EEGLAB + ERPLAB is installed?

Do you get the same error if you try copying the EEGLAB + ERPLAB folder from the current path at /data/pt_02584/Patty/Toolboxes/eeglab2021.1 to instead be on something like /home/toolboxes/eeglab2021.1 ?

PaulSteinfath commented 1 year ago

Hi Andrew,

Thank you for the advice - I tried different folders, but still get the error:

"An error occurred while initializing child process: While attempting to execute "mv -f "/data/hu_steinfath/Toolbox_temp/eeglab2021.1/plugins/ERPLAB8.10/erplab_Box/eventlist_backup_7387274287962962" "/tmp/MATLAB_Files_25-Jul-2022_09_55_57/eventlist_backup_7387274287962962"" in context { environment : { ARCH : glnxa64, AUTOMOUNT_MAP : , BASEMATLABPATH : , DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS : unix:path=/run/user/13438/bus, DISPLAY : localhost:13.0, ENVLIST : matlab=9.12, FB_COLORIZE : 0, GFORTRAN_STDERR_UNIT : -1, GFORTRAN_STDIN_UNIT : -1, GFORTRAN_STDOUT_UNIT : -1, HISTCONTROL : ignoreboth, HISTSIZE : 50000, HOME : /data/hu_steinfath, ICU_TIMEZONE_FILES_DIR : /afs/cbs.mpg.de/software/matlab/9.12/bin/icutzdata, KMP_BLOCKTIME : 1, KMP_HANDLE_SIGNALS : 0, KMP_INIT_AT_FORK : false, KMP_STACKSIZE : 512k, KRB5CCNAME : FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_13438_FMKQl6lWzO, LANG : en_US.UTF-8, LANGUAGE : en_US:en, LC_NUMERIC : C, LD_LIBRARY_PATH : /afs/cbs.mpg.de/software/matlab/9.12/sys/os/glnxa64:/afs/cbs.mpg.de/software/matlab/9.12/bin/glnxa64:/afs/cbs.mpg.de/software/matlab/9.12/extern/lib/glnxa64:/afs/cbs.mpg.de/software/matlab/9.12/cefclient/sys/os/glnxa64:/afs/cbs.mpg.de/software/matlab/9.12/runtime/glnxa64:/afs/cbs.mpg.de/software/matlab/9.12/sys/java/jre/glnxa64/jre/lib/amd64/native_threads:/afs/cbs.mpg.de/software/matlab/9.12/sys/java/jre/glnxa64/jre/lib/amd64/server, LD_PRELOAD : , LOCALPROFILE : cbs-fb, LOGNAME : steinfath, MATLAB : /afs/cbs.mpg.de/software/matlab/9.12, MATLABPATH : , MCRROOT : /afs/cbs.mpg.de/software/matlab/9.12/debian-bullseye-amd64, MEMKIND_HEAP_MANAGER : TBB, MKL_DOMAIN_NUM_THREADS : , MKL_NUM_THREADS : , MOTD_SHOWN : pam, OLDPWD : /afs/cbs.mpg.de/software/matlab/9.12, OSG_LD_LIBRARY_PATH : /afs/cbs.mpg.de/software/matlab/9.12/sys/openscenegraph/lib/glnxa64, PAGER : /usr/bin/less, PARALLEL_SERVER_EXPERIMENTAL_MJS_VER : , PARALLEL_SERVER_EXPERIMENTAL_PLR_VER : , PARALLEL_SERVER_EXPERIMENTAL_SER_TYPE : , PATH : /afs/cbs.mpg.de/software/matlab/9.12/debian-bullseye-amd64/bin:/bin:/sbin:/opt/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/afs/cbs.mpg.de/software/scripts:/afs/cbs.mpg.de/software/scripts/science:/afs/cbs.mpg.de/software/bin/linux:/usr/games, PERL5LIB : /afs/cbs.mpg.de/software/perllib, PRE_LD_PRELOAD : , PWD : /data/hu_steinfath, PYTHONPATH : /afs/cbs.mpg.de/software/pythonlib/python3.5:/afs/cbs.mpg.de/software/matlab/9.12/debian-bullseye-amd64/extern/engines/python/dist, SHELL : /bin/bash, SHINTERACTIVE : 1, SHLVL : 0, SHTERM : 1, SSH_CLIENT : 36908 22, SSH_CONNECTION : 36908 22, SSH_TTY : /dev/pts/5, TERM : xterm-256color, TOOLBOX : /afs/cbs.mpg.de/software/matlab/9.12/toolbox, USER : steinfath, XDG_RUNTIME_DIR : /run/user/13438, XDG_SESSION_CLASS : user, XDG_SESSION_ID : 2474, XDG_SESSION_TYPE : tty, XFILESEARCHPATH : /afs/cbs.mpg.de/software/matlab/9.12/sys/java/jre/glnxa64/jre/lib/locale/%L/%T/%N%S:, __KMP_REGISTERED_LIB_192501 : 0x7fe0c24d8708-cafe7686-libiomp5.so }, std_in : inherit_from_parent, std_out : pipe_to pipe { source : 945, sink : 946 }, std_err : merge_with_stdout, directory : unspecified, user : unspecified, inherited_handles : { }, detached_process : --, explicitly inherit handles : --, create_no_window : -- }: No such file or directory (trace: execve

) " However, I think the problem stems from Matlab and not EEG/ERPLAB since the error occurs also when running other scripts that have nothing to do with EEG analysis. I still would be very happy about advice on what is going on, but guess the issue could be closed here. EDIT: I think I isolated the issue. ERPLAB turns on the recycle function in different places. However, I am running it on compute servers and apparently Matlab does not have the rights to move files to the /tmp folder (I am able to do it via command line though). Since recycle was turned on, other parts of my scripts did not work anymore (i.e. where I tried to just delete files). When turning recycle back off and uncommenting it in ERPLAB, everything seems to work again. This was a very confusing ride and I hope this is of help to someone with a similar issue at some point. Best, Paul