ERPLAB Toolbox is a free, open-source Matlab package for analyzing ERP data. It is tightly integrated with EEGLAB Toolbox, extending EEGLAB’s capabilities to provide robust, industrial-strength tools for ERP processing, visualization, and analysis. A graphical user interface makes it easy for beginners to learn, and Matlab scripting provides enormous power for intermediate and advanced users.
Everything works fine but the pdf files do not get saved automatically into the respective data folders and thus, for each subject, a window pops up for me to save the file in the respective data folders. As a result, the looped script doesn't execute fully automatically. Below is the code in teh script for plotting pdf figures.
I am trying to use the looped script from this ERP lab link:
Everything works fine but the pdf files do not get saved automatically into the respective data folders and thus, for each subject, a window pops up for me to save the file in the respective data folders. As a result, the looped script doesn't execute fully automatically. Below is the code in teh script for plotting pdf figures.
if (plot_PDFs) pop_ploterps( ERP, 1, [ 10 28 47] , 'AutoYlim', 'on', 'Axsize', [ 0.05 0.08], 'BinNum', 'on', 'Blc', 'pre', 'Box', [ 1 3], 'ChLabel',... 'on', 'FontSizeChan', 10, 'FontSizeLeg', 12, 'FontSizeTicks', 10, 'LegPos', 'bottom', 'Linespec', {'r-' }, 'LineWidth', 2, 'Maximize',... 'on', 'Position', [ 100.333 29.6667 106.833 31.9167], 'Style', 'Classic', 'Tag', 'ERP_figure', 'Transparency', 0, 'xscale',... [ -100.0 999.0 -50 0:200:800 ], 'YDir', 'normal' ); pop_exporterplabfigure(ERP, 'Filepath', data_path, 'Format', 'pdf', 'tag', {'ERP_figure' 'Scalp_figure'}); end [Description of the bug or feature]
Steps to Reproduce
Expected behavior:
[What you expected to happen]
Actual behavior:
[What actually happened]