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Hide format page settings for staff #164

Closed Asampson closed 10 years ago

Asampson commented 11 years ago

Within the edit settings staff are currently able to change the formatting options for the page, meaning that some staff are changing settings which is resulting in problems with Aaron's theme.

Can we hide:

Formatting options for Topics deluxe format: Hidden sections Formatting options for Topics deluxe format: Course layout

This will mean the page settings wont change.

ghost commented 11 years ago

Good plan. Can I also be involved in this conversation please?

Asampson commented 10 years ago

Yes @aaronmarruk is there anything else you would like hidden in the edit page sections?


Asampson commented 10 years ago

@damienh @oscott Amy first part CA.

Asampson commented 10 years ago

Proposing that the whole of edit settings is turned off for the academic, Technician, Ask and academic liaison role.

Can't see anything in here which staff would need access to. Causing more problems having this available to staff as they are changing formatting etc.

Currently unable to remove formatting options from this section.

Asampson commented 10 years ago

@aaronmarruk approved.

Asampson commented 10 years ago

@oscott @themarkness Approved.

oscott commented 10 years ago

@damienh could do with meeting Tom Scott and explaining module naming convention within LS.

Note: 1% and breadcrumb.

Asampson commented 10 years ago

Update Course settings - tested this to set to not allow. This then meant that staff were unable to use the ad sections feature at the bottom of each course page.

Can't see a way to do what we want within course settings. Will this now be a matter of hiding with CSS? @oscott?

Asampson commented 10 years ago

Are these settings being hidden in the next update @aaronmarruk @oscott ?

Asampson commented 10 years ago

At this morning's UX meeting this came up as an action so assigning to @aaronmarruk

damienh commented 10 years ago

128 References this.

ghost commented 10 years ago

UPDATE Jan 2014: If this is to be resolved I urgently need to know:

What items in "Settings Block" do staff need access to?

ghost commented 10 years ago

@damienh @Asampson @themarkness Please let me know re the above comment

Asampson commented 10 years ago

Features that are currently in Settings that are used as far as I'm aware are:

Question Bank Switch Role to Student Editing On Users > Subscribed Users Users > Enrolment Methods Users > Groups

Asampson commented 10 years ago

Also when in forum settings staff should be able to amend the permissions which is also in this area. - http://etsupport.freshdesk.com/support/solutions/articles/178401-using-a-forum-for-course-module-notices

oscott commented 10 years ago

This is part of #128 and will be fixed in the 2.1 update

oscott commented 10 years ago

Apologies - we have decided to close #128 and keep this one open.

ghost commented 10 years ago

I have now implemented the block. Closing this as the reported issue has now been resolved.

oscott commented 10 years ago

Team are now divided on solution - items missed during approval, reopening issue.

oscott commented 10 years ago

We have decided to break this down into a few items:

1What - We need to control what is seen in the blockNeeds controlling through permissions as separate issue
2Who - We need to control who sees the blockNeeds controlling through permissions as separate issue
3Flow - Could UX be improved in a simpler way providing a 1st step to solutiontoggling appearance of block - this should default to hidden
4Position - We need to control where the block appearsUsing something similar to the "left region/column" and a default in the db, we could position a region as a tooltip/dropdown in the header or somewhere more appropriate

Sub-Issue 1 + 2 should be dealt with at a later date and separately. 3 + 4 can be actioned now hopefully?

ghost commented 10 years ago

This issue, "Hide format page settings for staff" has been resolved – I have hidden the format page settings for staff.