ucfinancegroup / pfp

a personal finance app, focused on projections, written in Rust and React
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In OpenAPI Codegen: Value of type 'PlaidJWT' has no member 'encodeToJSON' #48

Closed brettfazio closed 3 years ago

brettfazio commented 3 years ago


brettfazio commented 3 years ago

Perhaps we need to change our API spec. This is the only route that takes in an input parameter and is thus the only route that provides a codegen error.

The error provided by Xcode:

Value of type 'PlaidJWT' has no member 'encodeToJSON'

The line of codegen are here:


And the exact line causing the error is https://github.com/ucfinancegroup/FinchSwiftClient/blob/e2f6525189ec11db9f4f0239e43439d611a81167/OpenAPIClient/Classes/OpenAPIs/APIs/PlaidAPI.swift#L120

c650 commented 3 years ago

The swift client does not need to handle the webhook route. Only plaid uses that route. Comment out these parts of the spec for codegen of swift client.