ucg8j / awesome-dash

A curated list of awesome Dash (plotly) resources
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add original plotcon dash talk #10

Closed chriddyp closed 7 years ago

chriddyp commented 7 years ago

For adding tutorials, packages, or apps

What did you add to the README.md file?

I added the original talk on Dash at Plotcon NYC, 2016. This talk introduced the community to Dash and predated the official launch by about 8 months. This talk describes the motivations behind Dash and similar tools in other languages. While the actual Dash syntax has changed since the release, I think it sets the stage better than other talks that I've given.

For first time contributors...

Do you want to be added to the contributors list on the README.md file?
What name would you like?

Chris Parmer

What website would you like your name linked to?
