dash-bootstrap-components is a components and layout library for Plotly Dash. It adds several high-level components (dropdowns, progress bars, buttons, tooltips, simple interactive fade / collapse components, navbars etc.). It also exposes Dash's grid system to make it easy to structure Dash apps.
While dash-bootstrap-components is a fairly new library, it has extensive documentation and a growing user base.
x-ref @tcbegley (the main contributor to dash-bootstrap-components)
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For adding tutorials, packages, or apps
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This PR adds a link to the dash-bootstrap-components documentation.
dash-bootstrap-components is a components and layout library for Plotly Dash. It adds several high-level components (dropdowns, progress bars, buttons, tooltips, simple interactive fade / collapse components, navbars etc.). It also exposes Dash's grid system to make it easy to structure Dash apps.
While dash-bootstrap-components is a fairly new library, it has extensive documentation and a growing user base.
x-ref @tcbegley (the main contributor to dash-bootstrap-components)
For first time contributors...
Do you want to be added to the contributors list on the README.md file?
What name would you like?
Pascal Bugnion
What website would you like your name linked to?