uchicago-bio / 2016-Autumn-Forum

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Office Hours #6

Closed jvmakin closed 7 years ago

jvmakin commented 7 years ago

Howdy team,

Hopefully you all very much enjoyed the first class!

I would like to schedule office hours on Wednesday at 3:30 PM in Young (room TBA...but likely either our classroom or the one next to it).

Does this work for everyone? Does anyone have any ardent objections? Do we want to start this week or next?


Your Friendly Neighborhood TA

jvmakin commented 7 years ago

Currently in Young 308!

jvmakin commented 7 years ago

Hey guys,

Planning to hold office hours today around 3:30 in Young 306. Please let me know if you're planning to attend!

If this time isn't working, would anyone prefer do so an evening session? Or move it downtown to the Gleacher center? Let me know!