uchicago-capp-30320 / RouteRangers

Transit planning tool designed to retrieve end user input and also facilitate local transit authorities' decision making.
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Survey Dashboard: Map with Responses (MVP) #126

Closed lisette-solis closed 3 months ago

lisette-solis commented 3 months ago

As a policy maker, I want to understand patterns in the routes survey respondents reported.

Acceptance criteria

Map with similar functionality as map on policy maker dashboard that displays the start and end points from route_rangers_api_plannedroute

mbjackson-capp commented 3 months ago

As discussed at Monday AM standup, I think it's best for survey respondent routes to go on the same map as everything else; the layer control will let policymaker show or hide them as desired.

Assuming we do just one map, there is only one issue needed between this and #117 .

mbjackson-capp commented 3 months ago

If plan is to have map without these on dashboard page and map with these on survey response page, we can reuse map.js for both, passing an extra parameter boolean into the main function: displayUserDrawnRoutes=False for dashboard, =True for survey response page.

Then put code to add user drawn routes to map in an if block

mbjackson-capp commented 3 months ago

Resolved by #117. We settled on having survey results page link to the existing map on Dashboard, and putting in user-drawn routes/endpoints as a togglable layer on that existing map