uchicago-computation-workshop / Fall2021

Repository for the Fall 2021 Computational Social Science Workshop
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10/21: Anjali Adukia #6

Open shevajia opened 2 years ago

shevajia commented 2 years ago

Comment below with questions or thoughts about the reading for this week's workshop.

Please make your comments by Wednesday 11:59 PM, and upvote at least five of your peers' comments on Thursday prior to the workshop. You need to use 'thumbs-up' for your reactions to count towards 'top comments,' but you can use other emojis on top of the thumbs up.

edelahayeUChicago commented 2 years ago

Thank you Professor, I look forward to you talk! I'm interested to hear how you could go beyond the presence of people of different races in different media to look at more subtle features of the role they play and how they're portrayed? Do books frequently portray particular groups as fulfilling different parts of the story and what role do these more subtle features of the portrayal have on perception of and self-perception within these groups?

fiofiofiona commented 2 years ago

Hi Professor Adukia, thank you for sharing your research in our workshop! It's great to know the biases existing in children's books, and it's interesting to uncover these biases using computational methods rather than the relatively more subjective human labeling method. I was so surprised by the finding that children images in books had lighter skin than adults, which could form a larger psychological distance between children readers and POC characters in the books.

Therefore, I wonder whether mainstream and diversity book collections had differences in the closeness of main character and non-white characters. I also wonder which you would think as a better practice: counterbalancing the overrepresentation phenomena by emphasizing POC and female characters in children books, or presenting all races and genders equally?

bningdling commented 2 years ago

Hi Professor Adukia, thank you for coming and look forward to your presentation!

Hai1218 commented 2 years ago

Hi Professor Adukia,

Thank you for taking the time to share this fascinating study.

After reading your paper, I wondered how the result would change if we used the race and gender of the authors of the book as conditioning variables. If the results stay the same, I would want to see the race and gender of the publishing executives behind the publication of the books.

It would be interesting to see if minority authors also tend to produce child literature portraying dispositionally more "light-skinned" characters - which indicates some systemic bias in either the children's book publishing and creative industry.

zhiqianc commented 2 years ago

Thanks Professor! I am quite impressed by your innovative analysis based on computational method. I think that is a big progress from conventional analysis method and gives a lot of inspiration to other similar research. But when I am reading the paper, I have such concerns about the text analysis related to the color word. When calculating the proportion of all words that refers to color, it must be hard for the computer to decide whether the race color word like white or black is exactly depicting the race. If the analysis just simply includes all the words regardless of their exact meaning, isn't it affecting the accuracy of the analysis final result?

ttsujikawa commented 2 years ago

Thank you so much for your presentation! I was wondering if researching how elementary books affect IQ level/educational level would be a future research area. I think your research contains many possibilities where we extend its output to various different areas of studies (economics or psychology ...)

Looking forward to hearing your presentation!

yujing-syj commented 2 years ago

Hi Professor, thanks so much for coming to our workshop and sharing this interesting paper! I am very interested in converting the pictures images into data. I have a question here, when you what to analyze the color of the skins, how can you differeniate these colors with the color of other things? Looking forward to your speach!

LynetteDang commented 2 years ago

Hi Professor Adukia, thank you so much for sharing your work and I'm looking forward to tomorrow's workshop! Incorporating image processing as a toolbox into social science research was something I can't even imagine and am very excited about! In terms of image processing, I am wondering for such large image datasets (with RGB values of each pixel in 5,403 illustrated faces that you take as training set), what is your way of storing all the raw image data and processed data (I am assuming all pixel in a picture will be put down in a matrix)? And how did you optimize the runtime of your K-means clustering? Did you take advantage of SVD or some other techniques to reduce the dimensionality? Or did you take advantage of supercomputers to run your algorithms? Would you mind going into more details about AutoML Vision and the machine learning algorithms behind it? Also, since you have already came up with the idea of using image as data, have you ever thought about using audio as data with the current AI technologies that we have? I know that child audio books is also a thing and with the same model builder package you used (AutoML Vision), they also offer speech recognition/detection!

wanxii commented 2 years ago

Thanks for joining our workshop and look forward to your presentation!

ginxzheng commented 2 years ago

Thanks for coming and can't wait to listen to your presentation!

koichionogi commented 2 years ago

Professor Anjali Adukia. Thank you so much for presenting your research. The methods and findings are really interesting and significant. I assume there should be some unclassified images or characters, such as characters with androgyny features or hard to distinguish races, through Al analysis of books. I would like to know how you have dealt with and consider those characters. Would those characters be ignored due to irrelevance for representation comparison or would they be classified into closest categories since those characters would still provide certain images to children? Thank you so much

Qiuyu-Li commented 2 years ago

Dr. Adukia, Thanks for coming to the workshop! What people are taught in their childhood does have a great impact on the formation of their values, so I am really interested in the research.

zixu12 commented 2 years ago

Thank you for coming to our workshop!

MengChenC commented 2 years ago

Thank you for sharing your work. Look forward to your presentation!

fyzh-git commented 2 years ago

Thank you Prof. Adukia for presenting at our workshop! The introduction of AI to the applications of categorizing lightness of skin color from images and gender from text data are helpful. Look forward to your presentation and interpretations of your interesting findings.

Coco-Jiachen-Yu commented 2 years ago

Thank you for sharing with us your study, Dr. Adukia! What do you think are potential contributors to the phenomenon that White males are persistently overrepresented, despite a huge increase of female societal participation? Also, how do you think the results in this study can inform policy makers and educators?

NaiyuJ commented 2 years ago

Thank you for sharing your work. Look forward to your presentation!

hazelchc commented 2 years ago

Thank you for sharing this interesting piece of work with us! For famous characters represented in books, you used multiple sources (e.g., Pantheon 2.0, Wikipedia) to measure racial constructs. For example, you looked up Wikipedia to code race for famous people, and you also used Pantheon 2.0 data set to obtain the birthplace of famous people. Do you think readers (i.e., children) would know the information and interpret the characters' race as you measured? Look forward to your presentation!

helyap commented 2 years ago

Hi Professor Adukia,

Thank you for presenting at the workshop tomorrow. Your application of text and image classification in this study is very exciting and I'm looking forward to seeing continued research work in this vein. As I was reading your paper, one of the questions that surfaced pertained to the background/profile of the authors of the books and if there are any patterns associated with your findings on the representativeness in the books. I am also curious about the awarding process and the decision-makers on these panels. Overall, similar to some of the other questions posted on the board, I am wondering what you think are contributors that affect representation in books and how they are valued.

Qlei23 commented 2 years ago

Hi professor, thank you for coming to our workshop! I like your perspective of race and gender in children’s books and I find this research super exciting. I am looking forward to your presentation tomorrow!

boyafu commented 2 years ago

Thank you for sharing this fascinating research! I look forward to the presentation.

egemenpamukcu commented 2 years ago

Hi Professor Adukia, I was wondering if you looked into social network structures within these text and if you found any patterns of racial or gender based cliques among characters. Or any insights on how context of an interaction is likely to change across genders or ethnicity when characters are engaging with their peers or parents? Thank you!

BaotongZh commented 2 years ago

Hello, Professor Adukia.

Thank you for bring us this brilliant working paper. I look forward to the presentation. And also, in my opinion, the picture may have more information than text, therefore, implying more impact on children? The combination of images and text is a critical way to shape children's perspective.

sushanz commented 2 years ago

Hello Prof. Adukia,

Thank you for taking your time! Education inequality is a big topic nowadays and many people are consistently looking for approaches to change the system we have today and reduce the inequality. Across races and genders, those education inequality varies really differently. I look forward to hearing you introduce how you quantify those research data by new artificial intelligence methods for systematically converting images into data!

k-partha commented 2 years ago

Hi Prof. Adukia,

Thank you for presenting - looking forward to your talk and analysis!

XTang685 commented 2 years ago

Hi Prof. Adukia,

Thank you for your time Professor! Your research is so insightful and interesting! Looking forward to your presentation.

XinSu6 commented 2 years ago

Thank you so much for sharing you work! I am just wondering how you could do other stuff besides the presence of people in different media for others role? And on other fields?

Looking forward to your presentation!

Peihan12 commented 2 years ago

Hello Professor Adukia, thank you for sharing your research with us! It's an inspiring and interesting topic! Look forward to your speech.

xxicheng commented 2 years ago

Thank you for sharing your work with us!

y8script commented 2 years ago

Hello Professor Adukia, thank you for your inspiring work! I'm really impressed about the automatic coding approach that combine different computational methods to collect multifaceted evidence of a topic from a huge body of literature. Do you envision that this method could be implemented for historical review research of any other topics?

zbchen0129 commented 2 years ago

Hi Professor Adukia. I am glad to join your speech on Thursday. Thank you for sharing your research and insightful perspectives with us! And I have a question. Can the artificial intelligence method to turn images into data be used to other kinds of research? I am really looking forward to your sharing.

jinfei1125 commented 2 years ago

Hi Prof Adukia, thanks for joinning us and sharing your amazing work! I totally agree with your idea that representations of in texts and images of children's book. What do you think about the human biases in your research?

mdvadillo commented 2 years ago

Hi Professor Adukia, thank you for coming to present, the paper was very insightful. I was wondering if there was a correlation between the authors' identities and the identity of the characters in the books they write (not just related to race, but also to gender, etc.). Furthermore, do you think it would be possible to apply a similar analysis to children's movies that could further corroborate your hypothesis? Since movies might also play a role in children's perception of race and representation.

luckycindyyx commented 2 years ago

Thank you so much for sharing such fascinating work with us! Looking forward to your lecture!

NikkiTing commented 2 years ago

Thank you for sharing your work, Professor Adukia! The paper is very interesting and insightful. I am looking forward to your presentation tomorrow.

Yutong0828 commented 2 years ago

Hi Professor Adukia, I really like the topic of your paper! I believe it's a very innovative way to study inequality in education process through analyzing the children's books. I was wondering now that you've detected such problems existing in children's books, like colored-skin people and women are underrepresented, do you have any thoughts to improve the status quo? Also, I would be very grateful if you could expand a bit on how you conduct text analysis. Thanks!

Tanzi11 commented 2 years ago

I am looking forward to your presentation, Professor Adukia! Many thanks.

jsoll1 commented 2 years ago

Your work seems super cool and I'm super excited for your presentation. I'm kind of curious about the wider implications with your results: you've rigorously verified using exciting new technology something that we already expected. How can we use this information to promote better behaviors?

FranciscoRMendes commented 2 years ago

I am excited to hear your talk!

chentian418 commented 2 years ago

Thanks for your work, and look forward to your presentation!

chuqingzhao commented 2 years ago

Thank you for sharing your work. I look forward to your talk

yhchou0904 commented 2 years ago

Thank you for sharing your work! The paper about children's books is very cool, and the idea could inspire us to think about what children are reading and what's the possible outcome of that.

FrederickZhengHe commented 2 years ago

Thanks very much for sharing your work and look forward to listening to your presentation!

sdbaier commented 2 years ago

Given that education increasingly occurs via comparably new forms of media (e.g., podcasts, videos, games), I would be curious to see how your findings translate into this context. I would expect the representation of race, gender, and age to be less skewed in more novel forms of media, as they are more progressive/cutting-edge in nature.

xzmerry commented 2 years ago

Thanks for joining us, Prof. Adukia! It is really interesting that we could relate race and gender recognition/discrimination through the discussion of text of children's books. Looking forward to seeing you in the workshop!

S-Omkar-K commented 2 years ago

Hello Professor Adukia, thanks for sharing your work. I was wondering if societal biases instilled through historical events have any basis in your research. It would also be great to know how to tackle similar biases ! Thank you!

YileC928 commented 2 years ago

Looking forwards to learning more about your work in the workshop Prof. Adukia!

sudhamshow commented 2 years ago

Can't wait to listen to your presentation Prof. Adukia. Thanks!

qishenfu1 commented 2 years ago

Hi Professor, thank you very much!

atowey-uchi commented 2 years ago

Hi Professor, looking forward to learning more about your methods and insights!