uchicago-computation-workshop / Spring2020

Repository for the Spring 2020 Computational Social Science Workshop
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05/28: Shaw #6

Open shevajia opened 4 years ago

shevajia commented 4 years ago

Comment below with questions or thoughts about the reading for this week's workshop.

Please make your comments by Wednesday 11:59 PM, and upvote at least five of your peers' comments on Thursday prior to the workshop. You need to use 'thumbs-up' for your reactions to count towards 'top comments,' but you can use other emojis on top of the thumbs up.

ChivLiu commented 4 years ago

Thank you for this presentation! The mathematics concepts seem very preeminent. It helped me to understand why COVID-19 could cause so tremendous damages to the world this year. It is like what Immanuel Kant stated that people usually form their inclination from experiences. However, I wonder that how could we predict that whether people should take some early accidents seriously or not?

jtschoi commented 4 years ago

Thank you in advance for your presentation. I have a slightly related (potentially tangential) question to your JMS paper. In your view, how would you model agents exhibiting "irrational under-appreciation" (as opposed to irrational exuberance)? A specific example that I have in mind has to do with (farming) technology diffusion in developing economies. Despite provision of technology, guidance, and other necessary tools for higher-technology farming, it's been known that agents adhere to older, less productive manners that are clearly inferior to the newer methods. Why do you think this might occur? Would this have anything to do with the lag or sluggishness in updating?

mingtao-gao commented 4 years ago

Thank you for your presentation in advance! It is very inspiring to learn how your research studied the construction of value, especially with its further application to Bitcoin community. As mentioned in the paper, the analysis of bitcoin value sets the basis for a confrontation with the inevitably social requirements of establishing a new money. My question is if similar results and methods used can be applied to other conceptual economic values, like stocks?

nt546 commented 4 years ago

Thank you for presenting your work. The paper readings were quite intriguing. Looking forward to your talk!

yalingtsui commented 4 years ago

Thank you for your presentation. Pretty novel idea. I wonder you talk more about why you choose topic models instead of others. What factors do you consider?

Leahjl commented 4 years ago

Thanks for your presentation in advance. My question is that what is the relation between user generated content and economic value.

WMhYang commented 4 years ago

Thank you very much for your presentation. It is quite interesting to model the concept of "value" and investigate whether "intrinsic value" converges. However, I am wondering if the model could be extended to more broad economic concepts like stock market, bond market, etc. What needs to be adjusted and what could be directly borrowed?

romanticmonkey commented 4 years ago

Thank you so much for presenting. I just wonder how would you take the case from bitcoin to some cultural concepts. Especially memes, another form of "nonsense" that has been massively adapted and given meaning.

keertanavc commented 4 years ago

Thank you for presenting. I understand that the 'constructionist' conceptualization of values that you have worked on modeling specifically applies to the kind of economic models where agents try to deduce some kind of signal about the value from their social interactions. I am curious to know your views on how your model can inform/ be integrated into standard 'realist' economic models.

ziwnchen commented 4 years ago

Thanks a lot for the presentation! The topic of the social construction of value is really thought-provoking! One of my thought is to compare "value" with "information". I've noticed a similar agent-based modeling approach has been used to model the transmission and cascading of information on social networks or other complex social systems. Could these two fields be comparable? Is it possible to generalize "value" to information or vice versa?

ShanglunLi commented 4 years ago

Thank you for providing such an interesting paper to read! I want to ask that how would your work pave the way for future theoretical and empirical studies in such a field?

hanjiaxu commented 4 years ago

Thanks for sharing your research! The idea of the social construction of value is very interesting! I am wondering if there are empirical studies related to cultural differences in this process?

weijiexu-charlie commented 4 years ago

Thanks for your presentation. Looking forward to your talk!

yongfeilu commented 4 years ago

Thank you very much for your presentation! I have 2 questions as follows.

  1. Do you think cryptocurrency like bitcoin will be widely used one day? Why?
  2. How do you evaluate the impacts of cryptocurrency on people's investment behavior? Thank you very much!
ydeng117 commented 4 years ago

Thank you for the presentation! It is very interesting that you apply the social construction theory to money. I have two questions. In economics, we have several theories of value. The Neoclassical paradigm claims the utility theory of value and the Marxian school states the labor theory of value. How would your findings change the views of value in economics?

ZhouXing19 commented 4 years ago

Thanks for your presentation! The paper about the social construction of value in a dynamic manner is truly enlightening. I have a small question about the terminology in this paper. We used the term "value" of an object which involves both the objective input required for its production and intersubjective element stemmed from social interaction. I wonder how does the meaning of "value" here differentiate with the conventional definition of "price" in economics? Thanks!

wu-yt commented 4 years ago

Thanks for presenting these amazing papers? In the second paper about bitcoin, as there are many unknown factors at play, how would that change your theory?