uchicago-computation-workshop / Spring2023

MACSS Spring 2023 Workshop Repository
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03/30/2023: Bratislav Misic #2

Open GabeNicholson opened 1 year ago

GabeNicholson commented 1 year ago

Comment below with a well-developed question or comment about the reading for this week's workshop.

If you would really like to ask your question in person, please place two exclamation points before your question to signal that you really want to ask it.

Please post your question by Tuesday of the coming week, at 11:59 PM. We will also ask you all to upvote questions that you think were particularly good. There may be prizes for top question-askers.

mintaow commented 1 year ago

Dr. Misic, thank you for sharing this interesting work. I am particularly curious about what are the potential consequences of disruption or change in the relationship between the structural and functional connections of the brain, and how does brain structure disruption impact its function? Thanks! Looking forward to the presentation tomorrow.

lguo7 commented 1 year ago

Hi Prof. Misic, Thank you so much for sharing your research with us. Network neuroscience is a new field for me, and my question is whether the structure-function coupling is heterogeneous with age. Is the relationship between structure and function significantly different in people with Alzheimer's disease than that not?

jiehanL commented 1 year ago

Hi Prof. Misic,

Thank you for sharing your work! My question is, how does the organizational structure of neural circuits, as represented by the structural connectivity network, contribute to the emergence of functional properties and cognitive abilities in different species, and what are the common organizational principles underlying these relationships across phylogeny?

YutaoHeOVO commented 1 year ago

Hi Professor Misic,

Thank you so much for sharing your research. I am not a neuronscientist but there is one thing that pops into my mind when I read your article. Hemispherectomy is sometimes used to treat drug-resistant pediatric seizure disorders/epilepsy. And as children grow, the brain can compensate the effect of hemispherectomy through cross-modal plasticity. And I am curious how the conclusions of this research can extend into the context of cross-modal plasticity because it seems there is structural loss yet the function is not harmed that much.

And also, I know this question has some ethics issues and my apologies that this question can be offensive.

Best, Yutao

zyang39 commented 1 year ago

Hi Professor Misic,

Thanks for sharing your work! It is interesting to see how structure of brains is related to its function and get to know that higher orders and complicated models can help predict this relation. I am a little bit confused about why we say the method is of higher order compared to other potential method.

YLHan97 commented 1 year ago

Hi Professor Misic,

Thank you for sharing your work! My questions are:

  1. What methods were used in the paper "Linking Structure and Function in Macroscale Brain Networks" to investigate the relationship between brain structure and function?
  2. What are some of the key findings of the paper regarding the relationship between brain structure and function?
  3. How might the findings of the paper contribute to our understanding of neurological disorders and brain function in general?
Peihan12 commented 1 year ago

Hello professor, thank you for sharing the interesting work! I was wondering whether we can identify biomarkers of neurological disorders by examining alterations in structure-function relationships in brain networks?

XTang685 commented 1 year ago

Hi Professor Misic, I wonder how does you propose to establish a causal relationship between the structural connectivity of macroscale brain networks and their functional activity? Thank you!

nijingwen commented 1 year ago

Hi Professor Misic, thank you for sharing your work with us. I am interested in how cognitive operations and complex behaviour emerge from the connections and interactions among brain areas. Look forward to seeing you

zhiqianc commented 1 year ago

hi professor, thanks for sharing your excellent work! What do you think of the future of such technology development?

javad-e commented 1 year ago

Thank you for presenting your work at our workshop Prof. Misic! I have very limited exposure to neuroscience. So, it would be great if you could elaborate on the data collection process. In particular, it would be great if you could explain the methods used for accurately measuring the signals and the potential errors in this process. 

Ry-Wu commented 1 year ago

Professor Misic, thank you for sharing your amazing work with us! It is interesting to learn applying computational methods to brain networks.

jinyz1220 commented 1 year ago

Thank you for presenting your work! I am wondering how the function-structure model introduced might shift our knowledge of psychological concepts? For example, whether emotions should be approached in a discrete or continuous sense is debatable today. If the emerging function structure models develop, how would they change the discussion of what emotions are?

ZHE-ZHANG-0213 commented 1 year ago

Professor Misic, thank you for sharing your amazing work with us! Thank you for your talk and where do you see this being applied

koichionogi commented 1 year ago

Professor Misic, Thank you so much for your presentation. As someone who is not an expert in neuroscience, I find it particularly interesting that the current understanding of how the brain's structure and function are related is still in its early stages. Your research highlights this point, and I was particularly intrigued by the recent discovery by Finn and her team, published in 2019, which demonstrated layer-dependence/depth-dependence in prefrontal cortex activity during working memory tasks. While it might seem obvious to look for, this finding is quite significant, given that it was only demonstrated less than four years ago. It is likely that technological advances, such as improvements in MRI technology, have contributed to these recent breakthroughs. Overall, it is an exciting time to work in advanced computational methods for neuroscience, where many discoveries are waiting to be made with the application of focus and years of hard work. This reminds me of how economics and Bayesian statistics did not see significant advancements until the 1980s.

xinyi030 commented 1 year ago

Dear Professor Misic,

Thank you for sharing your work with us!

I agree with you that current models do not include enough biological detail to completely predict function, and, as I am not familiar with this topic, I wonder what are some of the current limitations in our understanding of the relationship between structural connectivity and functional connectivity in the brain, and what are some promising areas of future research in this field? Thanks so much!

hsinkengling commented 1 year ago

Hi Prof. Misic

Thanks for sharing your work with us. As a non-neuroscientist, I wonder if the findings from neuroscience about structure-function relationships in the brain can help inspire other types of structure-function relationships, or if insights into structure-function relationships from other fields (eg. geography, social networks) have been used to inform neuroscience models?

bningdling commented 1 year ago

Hi Prof. Misic, thank you very much for sharing your work. How do you think the proposed framework can be used to address problems of inequality in heterogeneous populations?