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Extension: Sheline, Price, Yan, and Mintun(2010) #17

Open hanjiaxu opened 5 years ago

hanjiaxu commented 5 years ago

Emotions have been demonstrated to have significant meanings for human being: they help signal danger in the environment (LeDoux, 2012)⁠, enhance attention (Villemure & Schweinhardt, 2010)⁠, foster social relationships (Tully, Lincoln, Liyanage-Don, & Hooker, 2014)⁠, alter behaviors (McNaughton & Corr, 2009)⁠ etc. The researcher has been comparing the function of mood to a thermostat which constantly monitors the discrepancy between individuals’ current state (current temperature) and their “desired subjective state” (setpoint) (Larsen, 2000, p. 132)⁠. Therefore, having the ability to “sense” the discrepancy and reduce it either actively or passively is critical for mental health.

When emotions don’t work the way they should, people often suffer from a variety of symptoms which researchers, clinicians, and physicians often refer to as affective disorders or mood disorders. Though prevalence rates can be highly variable, general population studies have shown that 1-year prevalence for major depressive disorder, dysthymic disorder, and bipolar I disorder were 4.1 per 100, 2.0 per 100 and 0.72 per 100, respectively (Waraich et al., 2004)⁠. Epidemiological studies show that major depression is common among adolescents with 25% prevalence by the end of adolescence (R. Kessler, S. Avenevoli, & K. Ries Merikangas, 2001).⁠ For anxiety disorders, up to 33.7% of the population are affected during their lifetime (Bandelow & Michaelis, 2015)⁠.

I would like to extend the research paper: Resting-state functional MRI in depression unmasks increased connectivity between networks via the dorsal nexus by Sheline, Price, Yan, and Mintun published in 2010. Though not specifically stated, the research question of the paper is: what is the intrinsic brain connections in major depression? (Sheline, Prince, Yan, and Mintun, 2010, p11020). In the paper, the authors compared three different brain networks -- the cognitive control network, default mode network, and affective network between depressed subjects and healthy control (Sheline, Prince, Yan, and Mintun, 2010, p11020). They used a neuroimaging technique -- functional MRI (fMRI) to measure the resting state functional connectivity (Sheline, Prince, Yan, and Minttun, 2010, p11020). Participants include 18 individuals with major depression in which 11 are males and 7 are females, and 17 controls in which 5 are males and 12 are females. The data set is the fMRI data of the participants. The authors performed a functional connectivity analysis of resting-state activity (Sheline, Prince, Yan, and Minttun, 2010, p11023). The result shows that depressed subjects have increased connectivity in the bilateral dorsal medial prefrontal cortex region (Sheline, Prince, Yan, and Minttun, 2010, p11020).

I would like to extend this study to include a population with anxiety disorders including General Anxiety Disorders, panic disorder, social anxiety disorder, and specific phobias. The reason why I include this population is that depression has a high comorbidity with anxiety disorders in the clinical and sub-clinical population. There have been efforts made to understand the similarities and differences between depression and anxiety, but the neurocorrelates underlying these two clusters of diagnosis remain unclear. Therefore I would select 20 depression participants, 20 anxiety participants, and 20 healthy controls and perform a similar data analysis procedure. Ideally, it would be 10 males and 10 females in each group. To select the seed regions, I would perform a systemic literature review to identify the regions in past research that associated with depression and anxiety.

Reference: Resting-state functional MRI in depression unmasks increased connectivity between networks via the dorsal nexus Yvette I. Sheline, Joseph L. Price, Zhizi Yan, Mark A. Mintun Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Jun 2010, 107 (24) 11020-11025; DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1000446107

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