uchicago-computation-workshop / marc_berman

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On the Effect of Aging and Bootstrapping #25

Open jtschoi opened 6 years ago

jtschoi commented 6 years ago

Thank you for presenting your great work! I believe that this exemplifies the collaborative spirit as well as academic rigor that we should hope to present in our own work. While I am not very well acquainted with various topics in psychology and neuroscience, I was be intrigued by the results having to do with aging. It seems quite clear from the article that aging is quite detrimental for brain activity when given relevant tasks. While this is so, as a human being, I cannot help but hope to seek ways to dampen impact of aging. Would it be possible for us to understand what characteristics decrease the impact of again on brain activity, perhaps via techniques such as matching methods?

In addition, I was curious about the methodological choice to use bootstrapping. I have read that bootstrapping, while useful, presupposes that certain assumptions (like independence of samples, nonexistence of outliers, and so forth) are already met. I believe that this could require careful research design even from the point where we begin to collect data. Are there cases that we should be wary of when using the bootstrap method?

Thank you once again!