uchicago-cs / chiventure

A text adventure game engine developed in UChicago's CMSC 22000 - Introduction to Software Development
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Refactor level-oriented generation code by creating a speclist-filtering helper #982

Closed wmingyan closed 3 years ago

wmingyan commented 3 years ago

Currently, the level-oriented generation algorithm is a part of the multi_room_level_generate function (#882 ), which means it cannot be used for other generation functions like recursive_generate. We decide to put this functionality (filtering the given speclist with a given difficulty level) into a separate function so that we can take a filtered speclist as a parameter for other autogeneration functions, and this might also be useful for later features.

We expect to create a new branch (openworld/refactor-level-gen) and merge it into dev by getting a pull request for it approved.

wmingyan commented 3 years ago

The relevant pull request has been approved, and the refactored code, including a new function filter_speclist (which filters a given speclist to contain rspecs of only the given difficulty level) and tests for it, has been merged into the dev branch. This marks the end of this issue.

MaxineK36 commented 3 years ago

Issue Score: ✔️++

Comments: Great work! Your summary is particularly detailed and helpful.