HR requests that we provide a means of generating org charts from staff directory data. Wagtail currently includes unit affiliation and reporting relationships on Staff records.
Org chart graphics should be producible for entire organization, or starting from any unit within the library ('Information Technology & Digital Scholarship', 'DLDC', etc.)
Staff names and titles should be displayed.
Vacant positions should be displayed.
If the starting unit contains sub-units, the composition of each sub-unit should be indicated in the visualization.
I recommend using GraphViz ( ) to produce the charts. This will involve converting staff data into a simple node and edge notation, and specifying a layout template within GraphViz. I (David) will upload a mockup of the Graphviz files as a reference.
Here are a sample graphviz code file and an output png. I ran the graphviz command
unflatten -l 3 orgchart1.txt | dot -Tpng -o orgchart.png
to render the file.
HR requests that we provide a means of generating org charts from staff directory data. Wagtail currently includes unit affiliation and reporting relationships on Staff records.
Org chart graphics should be producible for entire organization, or starting from any unit within the library ('Information Technology & Digital Scholarship', 'DLDC', etc.)
Staff names and titles should be displayed.
Vacant positions should be displayed.
If the starting unit contains sub-units, the composition of each sub-unit should be indicated in the visualization.
I recommend using GraphViz ( ) to produce the charts. This will involve converting staff data into a simple node and edge notation, and specifying a layout template within GraphViz. I (David) will upload a mockup of the Graphviz files as a reference.