uchicago-library / library_website

The University of Chicago Library Website
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Improvements to dev environment #641

Closed bbusenius closed 1 year ago

bbusenius commented 1 year ago

Fixes #605

Changes in this request

I didn't do anything with elasticsearch, somehow this was just working. This means you should be able to remove the WAGTAILSEARCH_BACKENDS setting that points to the database search backend from your local.py if you're doing that. I also didn't do anything with the update_index command. It had already been added.

Template Linting The two tools I installed for this are curlylint and djhtml. I had already been looking at these and then saw that they're also used by the Wagtail project, so that sealed the deal for me.

Curlylint This is used to catch actual html and template tag errors, unclosed tags, etc. You can run it like this: curlylint --parse-only path/to/template_file.html

DJhtml This is mostly just a code formatter to enforce proper indentation. It doesn't do much else. It can be run like this: djhtml -i path/to/template_file.html

CGIMail Forms After some discussion and thought, I decided not to bring CGIMail into the dev environment. Though this is possible, Vagrant would have to install, setup, and run Apache for this. This would add more time and complication to the already long provisioning and I don't think it's necessary. That being said, I fixed the related ITEM_SERVLET setting that CGIMail uses and recreated my original development workflow so we can troubleshoot CGIMail forms in dev if needed. To test: http://wwwdev:8000/about/directory/staff/jean-luc-picard/test-cgimail-form/?bib=8068035&barcode=099422401

Add the following configurations to your local.py.

I'm not sure if we want to keep the SECURE_REFERRER_POLICY setting around, so it might be prudent to comment it out if you're not doing something CGIMail form related. This setting ensures that all requests get an HTTP Referer, which CGIMail requires. Alternatively to using this setting, you could use a browser plugin such as Tamper Data to add the header manually.

Linting with VIM inside the Vagrant environment VIM uses the ALE plugin to do Python and React linting. If you want to test this, open a file like so: vim base/models.py. Once in the file, you should see any linting errors highlighted. If you want to apply linting and styling fixes you can type :ALEFix. This will apply the fixers.

You can do the same with React code, e.g. vim lib_news/static/lib_news/js/NewsFeed.js. In this case ALE is a little slow to show the changes. For Javascript ALE is using eslint and prettier.

bufordrat commented 1 year ago

autopep8, isort, black, and flake8 are all working, both in the shell and via vim. w00t

bufordrat commented 1 year ago

curlylint and djhtml get a check mark too! I think the only thing left to test other than the npm stuff (currently ongoing) is the set -e erroring out...

bufordrat commented 1 year ago

Check it!

(lw) vagrant@ubuntu-jammy:/vagrant$ type eslint
eslint is /vagrant/node_modules/.bin/eslint
bufordrat commented 1 year ago

The linter seems like it isn't "project-aware" when I run it on individual .js files. For example:

(lw) vagrant@ubuntu-jammy:/vagrant/base/static/base/js$ eslint --fix transformer-tabs.js

  67:7   error  'propagate' is assigned a value but never used   no-unused-vars

Presumably it wouldn't think propagate was unused if it could see the html that invoked it, but in order to do that it'd have to be able to understand Django templates.

As I recall, this is a problem you flagged already; I think you said eslint is really only set up to understand stuff that falls under the structure of a React project. In this case, I think we'd need the linter to somehow be aware of a Django project, which feels like kind of advanced functionality.

bufordrat commented 1 year ago

Ok, absolutely everything seems to be working now in my fresh Vagrant image.