uchicago-library / library_website

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Configuration for CL linting in Vagrant dev env should match vimrc #706

Open bbusenius opened 11 months ago

bbusenius commented 11 months ago

Expected behavior

In the Vagrant dev environment, we install isort, black, and autopep8. We also automatically configure vim in the dev environment to apply some rules and exceptions for these (see .vimrc in the dev environment). We should figure out how to run these following the same configuration rules:

let g:ale_linters_explicit = 1
let g:ale_linters = { 'python': ['flake8'], 'javascript': ['eslint'] }
let g:ale_python_flake8_options = '--ignore=D100,D101,D202,D204,D205,D400,D401,E303,E501,W503,N805,N806'
let g:ale_fixers = { 'python': ['isort', 'autopep8', 'black'], 'javascript': ['eslint'] }
let g:ale_python_black_options = '--skip-string-normalization'
let g:ale_python_isort_options = '--profile black'