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Sprite Kit Introduction #117

Closed johnnypaper closed 9 years ago

johnnypaper commented 9 years ago

I was going to have a look into Sprite Kit tonight...are there some good starting places anyone could suggest with nice tutorials and updated materials? I was told that Unity is the way to go, but it has a learning curve with it that could be a bit of a time sink off the start.

Also possibly some solid materials on Authentication with a Rails backend using Devise for signup/login? This particular issue is all over the map when it comes to best practices.


bobby-digital-23 commented 9 years ago

If you want a zero to game tutorial the Ray Wenderlich ones are good. They go in depth into SpriteKit and if you follow the entire tutorial(s), you have a pretty cool working game at the end (there are several types of games if I'm not mistaken).

The Apple tutorials are great. Searching for them on the Apple Dev site can sometimes be a pain.

There are tons of YouTube tutorials and several books solely dedicated to learning SpriteKit.

Let me know how in depth you want to go and I'll share relevant links/references. :)

bobby-digital-23 commented 9 years ago

Sorry, didn't see your entire post.

They're all going have a learning curve.

If you're looking to support multiple platforms - Unity is a decent choice but it does have licensing fees.

You might find this of interest: http://www.spritebuilder.com/about

johnnypaper commented 9 years ago

So taken from the RW site, it appears that Cocos2D-X may be a good place to start so that you aren't locked in to iOS. Thanks...I'll have a look around. screen shot 2015-02-08 at 8 00 19 pm

bobby-digital-23 commented 9 years ago

No prob. I did a fairly large project in Cocos2D and I enjoyed working with it. I found the Wenderlich tutorials helpful at that time.

Spritebuilder is composed of maintainers from the various versions of CocosXX and another framework named Chipmunk. It's brand new and you can supposedly create both iOS and Andoid games with it (using XCode) but I've never tried it...

Good luck! :)

johnnypaper commented 9 years ago

Now I'm thinking Unity or Unreal (https://www.unrealengine.com/faq) which are C# and C++, respectively. I have no idea. I suppose I'm just going to have to pick one and roll on with it. Thanks though for the nice tips.

JRam13 commented 9 years ago

What is it that you are looking to do?

Shameless plug: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/mathblast-pro/id738465780?ls=1&mt=8

I used Cocos2d for that game. However, I would advice against using cocos2d for ios, since I don't even think it's being supported anymore.

johnnypaper commented 9 years ago

Well...the thing is I don't know what I'm looking to do. I just want to start and see what idea develops. After checking out the Unity store http://unity3d.com/unity and the fact there is a free version with an IDE looks interesting. I think I'm sold. Unity it is.

johnnypaper commented 9 years ago

@JRam13 that's a nice looking game...very nice work. How long did that take to develop if you don't mind me asking? And how did you handle the artwork? Or is that artwork mainly just a customized landscape layout?

JRam13 commented 9 years ago

That was my final project for advanced iOS. Probably took me about a month or so to polish it and release it to the app store.

The artwork is a combination of royalty free assets/wallpapers/icons. I'm also very handy using photoshop though.

Ive also been working on this game using spritekit: http://www.jrwebpro.com/spaceshooter/

That one, however, is a work in progress.

johnnypaper commented 9 years ago

Galaga Redux! Man that was my favorite game in the arcade as a kid. Still best stand-up true arcade game of all time. Then in the late 80s early 90s, Leisure Suit Larry came along.

Nice work @JRam13 ... I think that has some legs once it's all said and done. The only thing that was bit puzzling is how you die in the game...It seems like you could run into all of the enemies to kill them and the side fighter planes don't get destroyed.

xiaoyifan commented 9 years ago

I've been thinking of creating a game on iOS as final project, too. So which one U guys think might be better? Sprite Kit, or other 3rd party tool? I've checked demo videos from SpriteBuilder, and it seems easier t handle. U can create basic behaviors of Sprites, and export to Xcode.

tabinks commented 9 years ago

Bring this up tonight in class. We will be talking about final projects.