uchicago-mobi / 2015-Winter-Forum

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About splash screen #162

Closed xiaoyifan closed 9 years ago

xiaoyifan commented 9 years ago

Hi, I'm still wondering about the Splash screen effect. What's the specification of this? I've checked the tips in issue #149, the code just created a VC in green and present the VC in detailVC. However, the requirement says: Once the data is loaded, it should fade away and present the MasterViewController.....So the splash screen is supposed to cover MasterView, or DetailView, or even both of them?

tabinks commented 9 years ago

Yes. The splash screen should cover the screen. The green screen was an example of how to present it, you will need to figure out how to remove it accordingly.

xiaoyifan commented 9 years ago

Sure, no problem. I just implemented the effect in DetailViewController, it works fine but the effect only appears in detail view in iPhone. Then I moved it to MasterViewController. It works in iPad, but comes up with warning: Attempt to present <UIViewController: 0x7fb968e70de0> on <MasterViewController: 0x7fb968c87520> whose view is not in the window hierarchy!...............So is there any better way to do that?

xiaoyifan commented 9 years ago

What if I just initialize a view, not ViewController to implement this?

tabinks commented 9 years ago

Do it however you want, as long as it accomplishes the stated functionality.

JRam13 commented 9 years ago

What if I just initialize a view, not ViewController to implement this?

Great question and one that should have been asked long ago.

xiaoyifan commented 9 years ago

Thanks, it's done. Implementing this as UIView is better than ViewController.