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How do you explain UIKit and Layout to designers? #199

Closed yiqin closed 9 years ago

yiqin commented 9 years ago

I was asked an interesting iOS question at an interview.

"Suggest you are working with several designers who know nothing about coding. How do you explain UIKit and Layout to them? "

Honestly, I didn't answer this question very well. My understanding was to explain several elements such as UIView, UILable, UITextView and others first. Then I explained how autolayout works.

Any thought about this question?

johnnypaper commented 9 years ago

I would say:

"It's like this and grab a stack of different colored paper in different sizes and start layering them on top of each other. Then put a 'view' underneath a larger one and say that is hidden."

Done. Tutorial over.

psajja commented 9 years ago

UIKit = "Anything visible" & Autolayout = "Anything visible and looks good"

tabinks commented 9 years ago

I would say UIKit is a library of standard interface objects, designed by Apple, that the user sees and interacts with. While Layout is the way to describe how those UIKit objects are positioned on the screen, regardless of the screen size.

JRam13 commented 9 years ago

Damn, that's a good answer.

You should teach this stuff.

JRam13 commented 9 years ago

yiqin commented 9 years ago

Thank everyone.