ucl-exoplanets / pylightcurve

A python package for modeling and analysing transit light-curves.
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Problem running the example to get planet parameters #2

Closed JVSeidel closed 4 years ago

JVSeidel commented 4 years ago


I have been trying to run this nifty piece of code on my Mac. It installed without issues, but now I'm trying to run one of the examples and it breaks...

Here is the code I'm trying to run (copy&paste of one of the examples in your Readme):

import pylightcurve as plc import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np

(planet, stellar_logg, stellar_temperature, stellar_metallicity, rp_over_rs, fp_over_fs, period, sma_over_rs, eccentricity, inclination, periastron, mid_time) = plc.find_oec_parameters('hd209458b')

print (planet, stellar_logg, stellar_temperature, stellar_metallicity, rp_over_rs, fp_over_fs, period, sma_over_rs, eccentricity, inclination, periastron, mid_time)

I checked that the package was installed correctly and I definitely have a good internet connection, however still this happens:

Downloading ephemeris database... hjd_dict.pickle

Downloading ephemeris database failed. A download will be attempted next time. Error: <class 'urllib.error.HTTPError'> () Traceback (most recent call last): File "make_lightcurve.py", line 11, in import pylightcurve as plc File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pylightcurve/init.py", line 11, in from .catalogues_celestial_sphere import File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pylightcurve/catalogues_celestial_sphere.py", line 81, in hjd_dict = open_dict(glob.glob(os.path.join(databases.ephemeris, 'hjd_dict.pickle'''))[0]) IndexError: list index out of range

Any insights?

Thanks a bunch,


jbrande commented 4 years ago

Was this closed due to the problem being resolved somehow? If so, could you please share that solution? If not, could you reopen the issue?

atsiaras commented 4 years ago

Please upgrade to the latest version 3.0.4, the issue has been resolved.

jbrande commented 4 years ago
