ucla-oarc-mobile / mwf

UCLA Mobile Web Framework
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Wiki: Updates to Geolocation Page #90

Closed loganfranken closed 12 years ago

loganfranken commented 12 years ago

Hey, I'm not sure if there's a better way of going about this, but here are some suggested updates to the geolocation page:

  1. Remove this part about the isSupported internals: "though this is the same as a non-zero check on mwf.touch.geolocation.getType()."
  2. Change "Geolocation equipment on most devices is on-demand only to conserve power." to "Geolocation equipment on most devices is only available on-demand to conserve power."
  3. Change "Given such a situation, Javascript is inclined not to block but rather to employ callbacks for an event-driven approach. While HTML 5 Geolocation and Google Gears support slightly different approaches for registering these callbacks, both geolocation layers do provide a mechanism for registering callbacks and this library abstracts them into a single interface call:" to "To handle this situation, the MWF geolocation API employs callback functions, executed upon either a successful or unsuccessful retrieval of geolocation data:"
  4. Add the following text for watchPosition:

    Continuously Retrieving Location

When determining a device's location through getCurrentPosition, consider the following issues:

To continuously poll a device's location data and execute a callback when a device's location changes or the location data becomes more accurate, use watchPosition:

mwf.touch.geolocation.watchPosition(onSuccessCallback, onFailureCallback)

watchPosition returns a unique ID number that can be passed to clearWatch to discontinue polling:


The following example demonstrates how to poll a device's position until the level of accuracy reaches a certain threshold (30 meters):

var watchID = mwf.touch.geolocation.watchPosition(function(pos) {
    if(pos['accuracy'] <= 30) {
        alert("Accuracy within 30 meters, Latitude: " + pos['latitude'] + ", Longitude: " + pos['longitude']);
function(err) {
Trott commented 12 years ago

All added. Thank you!