ucla-oarc-web / WebBlocks

Out of the box, WebBlocks is a platform based on modern web technologies for building full-featured, responsive sites suited for all viewports including desktops, tablets and mobile devices. It leverages existing best-in-breed web tools, defines semantics based on modern web standards and includes a large suite of UI elements and Javascript interactivity libraries. However, WebBlocks is a lot more than just a set of semantics, elements and libraries. At it's core, it is a highly modular toolkit that can be customized to meet business needs, fitted to different development paradigms and integrated into existing web solutions.
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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Panels not collapsing #226

Closed lnicks closed 11 years ago

lnicks commented 11 years ago

I have a 4/8 panel split like so:

<div class="dentFrontPage row small-collapse">
  <div class="dentEventsFront panel-4">
    <div id="dentGift">
      <p>Support UCLA Dentistry</p>
      <p>Make a gift online.</p>
    <div id="dentDiversity"></div>
  <div class="dentNewsFront panel-8">
    <div class="dentNewsMain row xxsmall-collapse">
    <div class="dentNewsSub row medium-collapse"></div>

The [dentGift] div has a width set to 260px. As I collapse, the panel-8 section does not respect the width and overlaps the panel-4 div.

Unsure if this is a syntax issue on my end, or possibly a bug. May also be related to [#225] re: container max width.

/cc @ebollens @chris4ucla


ebollens commented 11 years ago

Looks to me like you're using an uncontained float...

lnicks commented 11 years ago

no floats at all, using text align / fixed width on the second <p> tag.

This is all of the css I have generated:

#dentGift {
    background-color: #D14519;
    font-family: 'News Cycle', sans-serif;
    height: 65px;
    width: 260px;
    padding: .5em;
#dentGift p {
#dentGift p:nth-child(1) {
    font-size: 1.4em;
#dentGift p:nth-child(2) {
    font-size: 1.2em;
    text-align: right;
ebollens commented 11 years ago

Will need to see web inspector output. Is this live somewhere?

lnicks commented 11 years ago

Sure is: http://dentistrydev.oit.ucla.edu/

Also, I should add, it does collapse at the smallest breakpoint, like expected. That screencap is a mid-range breakpoint.

ebollens commented 11 years ago

I'm not seeing any issues in Safari. What browser and version are you using?

lnicks commented 11 years ago

Chrome Version 24.0.1312.52 m, win7

lnicks commented 11 years ago

Safari 5.1.7 (7534.57.2), win7 behaves like Chrome.

ebollens commented 11 years ago

Browser cache bit me. There we go, now seeing the issue.

The problem you've got (you can see this if you use the web inspector) is that you've explicitly defined a width on an internal element #dentGift that is larger than the computed width being derived by the outer element panel-4, since it is computed proportionally. Basically, you're breaking the fluid grid in the same way it will break if you place an image inside of the panel-4 that is larger than the proportionally-computed width. You can see this if you set max-width:100% on the #dentGift element in the same way you would an image.

Using explicit widths is basically going against the fluid grid. You can do it, but if you do, you need to make sure that the panels in question collapse before the overflow point is hit.

lnicks commented 11 years ago

Is it computed proportionally on the fly?

In a 3/2 Split, the 4 panels, on a 960px should be 320px. That doesn't account for gutters, not sure how they apply here 9 (but they're set to 3%, so I can't imagine that being the issue).

The element in question is 260px with no margins.

Not particularly sure how to deal with this for a static element such as a logo, as very few of them are ever going to be 'scalable'. Any recommendations? Design flaw?

ebollens commented 11 years ago

It's computed based on percentages. Your .panel-4, according to web inspector, is 31.62393%.

The outer row .dentFrontPage has set to .small-collapse. That means that it won't collapse until you hit the small breakpoint which, by default, is 600px. That means that, at 601px, which means your usable space will be just under 200px before it cascades. Try changing .small-collapse to some larger collapse to solve the problem.

lnicks commented 11 years ago

Got it working, thank you much @ebollens