ucla-oarc-web / WebBlocks

Out of the box, WebBlocks is a platform based on modern web technologies for building full-featured, responsive sites suited for all viewports including desktops, tablets and mobile devices. It leverages existing best-in-breed web tools, defines semantics based on modern web standards and includes a large suite of UI elements and Javascript interactivity libraries. However, WebBlocks is a lot more than just a set of semantics, elements and libraries. At it's core, it is a highly modular toolkit that can be customized to meet business needs, fitted to different development paradigms and integrated into existing web solutions.
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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Entity/Header/Masthead Markup Prototype #3

Closed ebollens closed 11 years ago

ebollens commented 12 years ago

Please define the header bar markup template:

alicetseng commented 12 years ago

After doing some research I'm going to propose this: template/entity/header/mastheadHNav. Masthead is another name for the primary website header and the html5 header entity allows its use to encapsulate the main page header with search,nav,logo. Thus this would he a type of header that features the masthead and includes a horizontal nav.

ebollens commented 12 years ago

This makes sense to actually make it a header at the top level, as some might not actually include a nav.

However, in that case, why not just template/entity/header/masthead? What's up with the "HNav" part?

alicetseng commented 12 years ago

ah - some mastheads don't always include a horizontal nav. thoughts?

ebollens commented 12 years ago

Exactly - and ours shouldn't require it either, although it clearly needs to support it.

Ideally we should seek to come up with one definition that can support the nav or a lack thereof. If not, then we could split this as you suggest.

Let's start with the HTML prototype and design for both, and see if we can't come up with a way to make it work with or without a nav.

alicetseng commented 12 years ago

sure - feel free to change the file as you see fit.

ebollens commented 12 years ago

@atsengucla when you have comments, can you put them on a subpage for this component rather than within the HTML markup template. The reason is that we don't want to build discussion into a template that is later going to wind up as a demo - whereas we can keep a full track record of discussion in a subpage on the wiki.

I've branch off a subpage here: https://github.com/ucla/WebBlocks/wiki/Entity-Header-Masthead

You can find this listed in the Components section of the wiki too: https://github.com/ucla/WebBlocks/wiki/Components

ebollens commented 12 years ago

I'm going to take a pass at simplifying it.

ebollens commented 12 years ago

@atsengucla please refer to the template/entity/header/masthead directory and let me know what you think of the prototype and the example of this in use.

While I understand the desire to keep markup near what it initially was, we have the freedom to actually get elegant with our markup, especially since the question now isn't even about the complexities of implementation but rather what makes sense semantically. Some of the places where I disagreed with the original description in template/entity/header/mastheadHNav.html:

As I was going through your version, however, I realized I haven't covered the case of a department name explicitly - but that's something that fits within the h1 that's used as a header. Something we can think about that's a bit cursory to the actual prototype.

Also, you'll note some syntax in the comments for prototype.html, namely an integer value (or a pair with two periods in the middle) above an entity. That's a definition of how many of this element can exist in order.

In all cases, this notation pertains to the directly following element (and of course it's children apply when the element is used for that instance of the element).

ebollens commented 12 years ago

@modernrockstar do you see any problems with the markup template on the whole based on what you guys did for the Gateway itself? I believe its possible to implement everything on your masthead using the markup in prototype.html, but I may have overlooked something.

alicetseng commented 12 years ago

Hi Eric, a few clarifications: I believe that some of those wrapper divs might be necessary given the design techniques they are trying to execute? A wrapper div is still a common technique that is used due to the need to employ certain stylistic treatments on a layer separate to the actual content piece.

Are we saying we'll never include wrapper divs? Or are you simply saying that it wasn't needed in this instance?

I did look at html5 discussion sites and there's nothing wrong with using a wrapper div if there is a real need -- in fact the div is the correct/recommended element to use when a container object (w/o semantic meaning) is needed. I left their wrapper divs in because I recognize this is a real pattern that designers have/will continue to use. The OOCSS folks also employ this -- they just made sure to standardize the structure so it's modular and repeatable. The use a block, inner block, children content {header/body/footer} pattern to standardize the structure that wrapped elements take.

I understand the desire to be elegant, but my hope is that we are building for actual use cases. If we discover an actual pattern from the content -- shouldn't we recognize and standardize for it even if it isn't "ideal" ?

Regarding the menu-- I believe the close is for the explicit close button for their click drop-down menu and has nothing to do with the responsive design. This is something that the user needs to explicitly control in their click menu to close the menu.

Finally, I caution using "topbar" as a name for the sake of robustness. Yes, it happens to be the topbar in this design and many designs at the moment (for the current fashion) but who's to say that a utility bar will always remain the topbar? The "helper navigation" that includes auxillery links is commonly called a utilitybar.

alicetseng commented 12 years ago

The search is considered a nav element, not an aside. It is considered a major navigation element for a webpage. See nav section in this article: http://html5doctor.com/avoiding-common-html5-mistakes/

ebollens commented 12 years ago

@atsengucla, thanks for the comments! My follow up thoughts:

  1. I completely agree that that wrappers may have some use, but what is the purpose in this case? If I look at #header[role="banner"] (I think your analogue is .headerwrap[role="banner"], the only properties defined on it according to the inspector are: background, border-bottom, min-height and padding. As such, I think this simply adds markup complexity without any real gain.
  2. If we have to provide a wrapper, then we have to provide a wrapper. However, if we can avoid it, then we keep our markup more simple, so I think this is the sort of thing we add to the prototype as we implement - if we find it's not possible to develop the entity without it. That's why they're common in OOCSS and elsewhere, because CSS does have limitations without adding wrappers - when of course we hit those limitations.
  3. I would also point out that HTML 5 will lead us to use new elements wrapping subtrees (like header). In many of these cases, I suspect that we can use these as wrappers/containers rather than define a wrapper div and then also an HTML 5 semantic element. This is definitely the case in your mastheadHNav.html example - hence why in prototype.html I did away with the wrappers.
  4. The "Close" button is a design decision we may want to debate further. We have two options: (1) explicitly define a close button or (2) allow the framework to decide how to display a close button via the use of a closeable class on the nav. I'm inclined to prefer the second - although we could allow you to NOT define closeable and instead explicitly define the close element as you're suggesting. The benefit is that you're leaving control over presentation to the framework - unless of course you want to do the explicit definition, in which case you can simply do so as long as you use the right element. Does that sound like a reasonable compromise?
  5. I was envisioning this as an analog to the Twitter Bootstrap class .navbar.navbar-fixed-top. Maybe it makes sense to break it apart into two units, nav.bar and nav.bar.top. Let's break this discussion off into issue #9.
  6. Great catch. I'll amend the prototype.
ebollens commented 12 years ago

Updated to change the issue with aside to nav:not(.main). This also parallels a discussion on nav.main that Joseph and I were having where it should be its own distinct entity (see #12).

ebollens commented 12 years ago

Looks like this task is pretty much closed out. Thanks for the hard work on it! I've created a development task in #32.

alicetseng commented 11 years ago

Assigning masthead prototype to me, following agreement to re-scope masthead. Refs Ticket #32.

alicetseng commented 11 years ago

@ebollens @loganfranken this prototype and README has been updated; please vet and I'll close it and move on to finish the implementation.

loganfranken commented 11 years ago

Hey @atsengucla, this looks good to go although there are just a couple minor formatting errors with the README.md

ebollens commented 11 years ago

This issue should be closed as we're in implementation.