ucla-oarc-web / WebBlocks

Out of the box, WebBlocks is a platform based on modern web technologies for building full-featured, responsive sites suited for all viewports including desktops, tablets and mobile devices. It leverages existing best-in-breed web tools, defines semantics based on modern web standards and includes a large suite of UI elements and Javascript interactivity libraries. However, WebBlocks is a lot more than just a set of semantics, elements and libraries. At it's core, it is a highly modular toolkit that can be customized to meet business needs, fitted to different development paradigms and integrated into existing web solutions.
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
22 stars 14 forks source link

Barebones compiler issue #352

Closed lnicks closed 11 years ago

lnicks commented 11 years ago

Referencing Issue 137 from drupal-WebBlocks.

c:\xampp\htdocs>git clone https://github.com/ucla/WebBlocks.git wbxOnly
Cloning into 'wbxOnly'...
remote: Counting objects: 5427, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (2208/2208), done.
Rremote: Total 5427 (delta 2893), reused 5285 (deleceiving objects:  98% (5319/54
Receiving objects: 100% (5427/5427), 864.12 KiB | 194 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (2893/2893), done.

c:\xampp\htdocs>cd wbxonly

[Dispatcher] Executing task: before_init
[Dispatcher] Executing task: init
[Dispatcher] Executing task: after_init
[Dispatcher] Executing task: before_preprocess
[Dispatcher] Executing task: preprocess
[Dispatcher] Executing task: after_preprocess
[Dispatcher] Executing task: before_link
[Dispatcher] Executing task: link
[Dispatcher] Executing task: after_link
[Dispatcher] Executing task: before_compile
[Dispatcher] Executing task: compile
[Dispatcher] Executing task: after_compile
[Dispatcher] Executing task: before_assemble
[Dispatcher] Executing task: assemble
[Dispatcher] Executing task: after_assemble
[Dispatcher] Executing task: before_package
[Dispatcher] Executing task: package
rake aborted!
Compression error encountered in c:/xampp/htdocs/wbxOnly/.build-tmp/js/blocks.js
c:/xampp/htdocs/wbxOnly/lib/Build/Adapter/../../Logger.rb:58:in `failure'
c:/xampp/htdocs/wbxOnly/lib/Build/WebBlocks.rb:317:in `package_js'
c:/xampp/htdocs/wbxOnly/lib/Build/Adapter/../../Logger.rb:75:in `info'
c:/xampp/htdocs/wbxOnly/lib/Build/Adapter/../../Logger.rb:97:in `scope'
c:/xampp/htdocs/wbxOnly/lib/Build/Adapter/../../Logger.rb:74:in `info'
c:/xampp/htdocs/wbxOnly/lib/Build/WebBlocks.rb:313:in `package_js'
c:/xampp/htdocs/wbxOnly/lib/Build/Adapter/../../Logger.rb:50:in `task'
c:/xampp/htdocs/wbxOnly/lib/Build/Adapter/../../Logger.rb:97:in `scope'
c:/xampp/htdocs/wbxOnly/lib/Build/Adapter/../../Logger.rb:49:in `task'
c:/xampp/htdocs/wbxOnly/lib/Build/WebBlocks.rb:311:in `package_js'
c:/xampp/htdocs/wbxOnly/lib/Build/WebBlocks.rb:257:in `package'
c:/xampp/htdocs/wbxOnly/lib/Build/Adapter/../../Logger.rb:50:in `task'
c:/xampp/htdocs/wbxOnly/lib/Build/Adapter/../../Logger.rb:97:in `scope'
c:/xampp/htdocs/wbxOnly/lib/Build/Adapter/../../Logger.rb:49:in `task'
c:/xampp/htdocs/wbxOnly/lib/Build/WebBlocks.rb:253:in `package'
c:/xampp/htdocs/wbxOnly/lib/Build/Dispatcher.rb:44:in `send'
c:/xampp/htdocs/wbxOnly/lib/Build/Dispatcher.rb:44:in `execute'
c:/xampp/htdocs/wbxOnly/lib/Build/Dispatcher.rb:42:in `each'
c:/xampp/htdocs/wbxOnly/lib/Build/Dispatcher.rb:42:in `execute'
c:/xampp/htdocs/wbxOnly/lib/Build/Adapter/../../Logger.rb:44:in `system'
c:/xampp/htdocs/wbxOnly/lib/Build/Adapter/../../Logger.rb:97:in `scope'
c:/xampp/htdocs/wbxOnly/lib/Build/Adapter/../../Logger.rb:43:in `system'
c:/xampp/htdocs/wbxOnly/lib/Build/Dispatcher.rb:39:in `execute'
c:/xampp/htdocs/wbxOnly/lib/Build/Dispatcher.rb:38:in `each'
c:/xampp/htdocs/wbxOnly/lib/Build/Dispatcher.rb:38:in `execute'
Tasks: TOP => default => build
(See full trace by running task with --trace)


/cc @ebollens @chris4ucla

ebollens commented 11 years ago

This has nothing to do with the error you reported in drupal-WebBlocks. That was about a deprecation error:

DEPRECATION WARNING on line 62 of c:/xampp/htdocs/dent/sites/all/themes/dentistry/src/sass/megaMenu.scss: @extending an outer selector from within @media is deprecated. You may only @extend selectors within the same directive. This will be an error in Sass 3.3. It can only work once @extend is supported natively in the browser

This is about a compression error, which means with uglifyjs/uglifycss.

Can you confirm that you called npm install and that uglifyjs and uglifycss are actually there? That's the most frequent reason to hit this error (it's documented in the "Troubleshooting" section of the documentation).

lnicks commented 11 years ago

Right. Posted here as an effort to document the results of the suggested test (assumed you would want to know and the right repo). Didn't do any troubleshooting, since it didn't appear to be related. My apologies!

You're correct, npm install fixed it.

/cc @chris4ucla