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Long-term: History Page #124

Open mattxwang opened 3 years ago

mattxwang commented 3 years ago

More info coming soon!

Some dates/events I wanted to jot down:

mattxwang commented 3 years ago

Screen Shot 2021-04-24 at 7 03 05 PM

A relevant screenshot as well

reginawang3495 commented 2 years ago

@mattxwang what is this screenshot for? and is there a figma for the uclaacm/website?

mattxwang commented 2 years ago

@mattxwang what is this screenshot for?

Just a list of people - didn't want to forget content! It's from an old-old version of the ACM website.

reginawang3495 commented 2 years ago

Is this the original team or something that we want on the new site?

mattxwang commented 2 years ago

Is this the original team or something that we want on the new site?

I think we'd probably condense the content and put it on the new site? Also thinking about how this interplays with #111.

There's a lot of creative direction with this page, so there's no stress on using all of the relevant content.

mattxwang commented 2 years ago

@advaithg @annaguo1012 can you two take ownership over the issue and/or draft up a larger set of issues? To me, this seems like a mini-project (maybe you can put two interns to work on it together). I can help provide relevant information, but I think the design/dev should be up to you two.

advaithg commented 2 years ago

Hmm yeah this would be a cool ticket for interns to work on over winter! Will take a look and discuss w you what your vision for this page is over winter break!

ajtadeo commented 2 months ago

May 2016: Launched UCLA's founder school with UPE

does anyone know what this event was about? its a little unclear to me

also, we're missing history from 2019-2024 it seems. is there any documentation/meeting notes we can take a look at to add events from this time period? @snigdha-kansal @jainsujay02

jainsujay02 commented 2 months ago

ah, yes: https://www.facebook.com/UCLAFoundersSchool/. This should hopefully give enough context for founder school.

There are meeting notes from board meetings going back till at-least 2020. You'll find them in the ACM Drive (Archived). Also take a look at https://medium.com/techatucla. It should also have context for some older events. Unfortunately, there isn't a clean timeline beyond this. If you'd like to make a first-pass at gathering the info, I could help fill in the gaps.

mattxwang commented 2 months ago

Just to chime in (this is one of the last issues I made that's still open - exciting!), I should have a pretty solid understanding of all of our events from 2019-2022. Happy to help fill in some gaps and/or provide some overall high points. I would imagine then you can get 2022-2024 from the current officer pool, and there are some choice people I can get you in touch with if you want things before 2019.

bliutech commented 2 months ago

Quick correction on the above information. I believe Cyber was originally brought in as NetSec according to alumni where we eventually swapped over to the more appropriate name of Cyber (you can still find a lot of old marketing material in the club house under the name of NetSec). The club had existed before joining ACM under some name (not 100% sure if it was NetSec since our SOLE registration goes by Cyber now). The May 2017 date is a bit confusing since I don't believe we ever went under the name ACM CTF nor were we launched from within ACM (unless this refers to some specific event like California CTF; the predecessor to LA CTF).

ajtadeo commented 2 months ago

made a google doc to organize the timeline of events. thanks for everyone's help! will update this issue when a first-pass is completed. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jIK6GIe12y1b23VQqv6wrg3Wf0kk3IIiQf6FgK4efMc/edit?usp=sharing

ajtadeo commented 2 months ago

@jainsujay02 hate to break it you but all the meeting notes and google docs from before 2020 have been deleted as of January 31, 2023 😀 i believe this the solution to the storage issue we were having last term. will have to find another way to get info from before the pandemic lmao

jainsujay02 commented 2 months ago

Damn okay. Hmm, we could try a different approach. I'm thinking we share a google doc with all the past presidents I am in touch with and see if we can get a better picture of major events/changes in ACM's history.

ajtadeo commented 2 months ago

@jainsujay02 sounds good. thank you for reaching out to them!