uclaacm / westwood_sans

Experimental custom font for ACM at UCLA
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Make the font available through an open source npm font packager? #20

Open matthewcn56 opened 3 years ago

matthewcn56 commented 3 years ago

Related to #19, should we make Westwood Sans available through an open source npm font packager like Fontsource? It would make it easier for devs that would want to use the font for their projects by just installing a package and adding in the font-family instead of having to download the .ttf file off of the repo.

Kimeiga commented 3 years ago

Does fontsource provide a traditional CDN link?

matthewcn56 commented 3 years ago

Does fontsource provide a traditional CDN link?

FontSource provides self-hosted fonts as opposed to making requests to a CDN link and allows font-loading offline as well!

(A list of advantages that FontSource has opposed to traditional CDN hosted services can be seen on their website.)

ayuhito commented 3 years ago

Does fontsource provide a traditional CDN link?

If you do want to use a CDN, we do recommend JSDelivr since we have direct permission to upload large binaries from them, although that does defeat most of the benefits of self-hosted.

You do still get version locking and support for fonts outside the Google ecosystem though!

I am working on an API that does something similar to the Google Fonts CSS API and more for Fontsource. Packages would become much more accessible that way in the future.

Kimeiga commented 3 years ago

you can just use jsdelivr with a file on github

just make a css file in this repo that references the fonts through prolly similar jsdelivr urls and just ship that css file


Kimeiga commented 3 years ago

ok i understand now how fontsource works. Seems like self hosting is better; but it would just mean that all web devs would need npm in their project and then npm install westwood sans.

It might be nice if we could offer both a CDN where people could just include it the google fonts way, and then afterwards we could publish the font on npm with something similar to fontsource's architecture (I'm not sure how to add a font to fontsource lol, looks like they just support google fonts), and then people can npm install it.

I will say that the font itself doesnt have that many glyphs, and only two weights, so its not super heavy anyways

Kimeiga commented 3 years ago

cdn is done

ayuhito commented 3 years ago

(I'm not sure how to add a font to fontsource lol, looks like they just support google fonts)

Just make an issue on the Fontsource repo and we'll add the font eventually. We support manual submissions of non-Google fonts on request.

If you could also provide the values for the CSS unicode-range, that would also be very useful.