What we're currently doing: Every time the base image changes, every person that pulls that change must rebuild the mappening/base image. Although this happens automatically, given the base image size, this process is extremely cumbersome. It would be helpful to reduce time taken to update to the newest base build by either a.) utilizing even more build stages in order of least likely to change to most likely, or b.) cache the newest, correct version of the mappening/base image on a remote host once it's been vetted, and instead of building an entirely new image and installing all components for that image, just download the image wholesale from that host. This would also speed up the very sisyphean onboarding process for new team members.
What we're currently doing: Every time the base image changes, every person that pulls that change must rebuild the mappening/base image. Although this happens automatically, given the base image size, this process is extremely cumbersome. It would be helpful to reduce time taken to update to the newest base build by either a.) utilizing even more build stages in order of least likely to change to most likely, or b.) cache the newest, correct version of the mappening/base image on a remote host once it's been vetted, and instead of building an entirely new image and installing all components for that image, just download the image wholesale from that host. This would also speed up the very sisyphean onboarding process for new team members.