uclhal / cheryl-phd

Cheryl Achary PhD 2021-2024
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Descriptive analysis of Fiona's retrospective database #18

Open docsteveharris opened 2 years ago

docsteveharris commented 2 years ago

Fiona's data (2002-2019) 2002-2012 600 women 2012- 2019 1000+ denominator validation - not missing visits to her clinic up until Epic implementation (i.e. early 2019)

So you can count women

But outcomes are all problematic

Strategies to overcome this missingness

docsteveharris commented 2 years ago

2021-08-24 Supervision SH/CA good quality data until the service moves to Barts data quality good for diagnosis/condition lots of missingness for maternal and foetal outcomes

data is likely to be available

SH suggest planning the descriptive study as follows

Think of this as building the priors for your informatics consult And also building the data spec for future data collection

docsteveharris commented 2 years ago

3 sources of data