uclibs / scholar_uc_legacy

Source code for Scholar@UC up to version 3.x. Replaced by ucrate
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Research Application and Content Data Migration Tools #1543

Closed scherztc closed 7 years ago

scherztc commented 7 years ago

Descriptive summary

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Related work

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hortongn commented 7 years ago

Fedora 3 to Fedora 4 migration tool: https://github.com/samvera-labs/fedora-migrate

scherztc commented 7 years ago

Video -> Media work types are going to be a concern.

hortongn commented 7 years ago

Another tool that may be useful for our migration: https://github.com/fcrepo4-labs/fcrepo-import-export

If the Fedora migrate tools doesn't work well for us, this import tool will at least help us import into Fedora 4.

This tool will take a filesystem's hierarchical directory tree of files/RDF and import it into Fedora.

hortongn commented 7 years ago

From the Fedora 4 wiki: Concept Mapping - Fedora 3 to 4 https://wiki.duraspace.org/display/FEDORA4x/Concept+Mapping+-+Fedora+3+to+4

"Upgrading/migrating from Fedora 3 to 4? Wondering what has changed and what has stayed the same? Look no further - this page will outline the main differences and map important concepts between Fedora 3 and 4."

newmanld commented 7 years ago

May be useful info here, for either migration from 3 to 4, or for future batch loads of new content into Scholar 3.x: https://wiki.duraspace.org/display/FEDORA4x/Import+and+Export+Tools

crowesn commented 7 years ago

Look at mapping scholar2 models to scholar3

hortongn commented 7 years ago

Very detailed presentation from Code4Lib on Hydra migration from Fedora 3 to Fedora 4: http://2016.code4lib.org/slides/Workshop-Fedora4-Hydra-Migration.pdf