uclibs / scholar_uc_legacy

Source code for Scholar@UC up to version 3.x. Replaced by ucrate
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Deployment: Build server environments with Puppet #1574

Closed hortongn closed 6 years ago

hortongn commented 7 years ago

Update the existing Puppet scripts to build server environments for Scholar 3 OR Use Samvera community Ansible scripts to build the environments


hortongn commented 6 years ago

We still need to rebuild scholar-dev and scholar-qa with our Puppet scripts

hortongn commented 6 years ago

The QA servers are finished and scholar-qa.uc.edu is now pointing to them. So scholar-qa is running the exact same environment as production.

Use libsch instead of libhyd when ssh'ing into the QA servers. UCIT has deleted the old libhyd* VMs.

I've put in a request for UCIT to create our new scholar-dev VMs.

hortongn commented 6 years ago

The new servers for scholar-dev have been built and fully configured.

I've opened a ticket to point scholar-dev.uc.edu to the new server. After that, the old servers will be deleted.

New servers are libschdwl1 (web) and libschdal1 (Fedora/Solr)

hortongn commented 6 years ago

scholar-dev.uc.edu is now pointing to our new dev servers. UCIT will delete the old dev server VMs.