uclibs / scholar_uc_legacy

Source code for Scholar@UC up to version 3.x. Replaced by ucrate
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Block indexing of QA server by search engines #176

Closed hortongn closed 9 years ago

hortongn commented 9 years ago

Find best way to implement a /robots.txt file that includes the following:

User-agent: * Disallow: /

hortongn commented 9 years ago

After this is merged into the release branch, add the following line to the Bamboo deploy tasks: cp /srv/apps/curate_uc/public/robots.qa.txt /srv/apps/curate_uc/public/robots.txt

hortongn commented 9 years ago

I manually edited the robots.txt on the QA servers for now. Once we merge the release branch and deploy to QA again, the process will be automatic.

hortongn commented 9 years ago

Merged into develop and updated deployment tasks for QA