uclibs / scholar_uc_legacy

Source code for Scholar@UC up to version 3.x. Replaced by ucrate
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Derivatives for PDFs and office documents are failing #1921

Closed hortongn closed 6 years ago

hortongn commented 6 years ago

Descriptive summary

Scholar seems to be having problems creating some derivatives. It looks like derivative jobs for PDFs and Office documents are failing with the error Fontmap entry for Fontmap.local ends prematurely! Giving up.

I believe Scholar first tries to convert Office documents to PDF and then images. So it makes sense that the error happens to both PDFs and docs.

The problem exists on production and scholar-qa. It could be that this month's security updates broke something. It's unlikely to be a problem with code.

hortongn commented 6 years ago

It looks like this month's RedHat updates installed a ghostscript package that broke the version of ghostscript we had manually installed.

We need to attempt a fix on scholar-dev and scholar-qa and then do a change request (emergency?) for production.

hortongn commented 6 years ago

This appears to fix the PDF derivatives problem: sudo rpm -e --nodeps ghostscript

hortongn commented 6 years ago

This is now fixed in all environments. I'll do an emergency deploy CM.

hortongn commented 6 years ago

I added a cron task to the servers that will remove the ghostscript package if the monthly updates try to automatically install it again in the future. Closing this issue.