uclibs / treatment_database

Application to track conservation workflow for Preservation Services
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Handle front end through jsbundling-rails #497

Closed Janell-Huyck closed 3 days ago

Janell-Huyck commented 1 month ago

This PR updates the treatment app from using Sprockets to using jsbundling-rails to handle the front end. Documentation about this PR is located on the wiki page..

Janell-Huyck commented 1 month ago

Hold - not correctly deploying to libappstest. QA does deploy with ruby version 3.3.1. Getting error message in capistrano log:

Running [ -L /opt/webapps/treatment_database/releases/20240528163624/.bundle ] as apache@libappstest.libraries.uc.edu
 DEBUG [356a8900] Command: [ -L /opt/webapps/treatment_database/releases/20240528163624/.bundle ]
 DEBUG [356a8900]   manpath: can't set the locale; make sure $LC_* and $LANG are correct
 DEBUG [356a8900] Finished in 0.428 seconds with exit status 1 (failed).

This command stems from a line in our qa deploy file: append :linked_dirs, '.bundle', 'tmp', 'log'

That command is doing something with sym links, and I THINK it's trying to link the '.bundle' directory and failing.

There is a directory at opt/webapps/treatment_database/releases/20240528163624/.bundle, which contains a file named "config". This path holds true for successful deployments as well as for failed deploys like the one above.

The error manpath: can't set the locale; make sure $LC_* and $LANG are correct I believe is new since the server was updated to Ruby 3.3.1, but I don't believe this is relevant because it shows up with the successful deploy of QA branch, which uses Ruby 3.3.1.