uclibs / uc_drc

DRC migration planning and work
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Create sandbox deployment strategy #101

Closed hortongn closed 3 years ago

hortongn commented 3 years ago

The default branch should be deployed to curly.libraries.uc.edu. Ideally the instance should auto-update nightly (git pull), but if a manual process is needed that is acceptable as well. In either case, the process should be documented.

crowesn commented 3 years ago

3am daily pull and restart scheduled in cron.

See crontab and /opt/rails-apps/deric/ for configuration.

crowesn commented 3 years ago

Reopening due to bug in env variable assignment on curly.

When running the app in docker, the app should know whether host is curly or local. Find a way to pass host environment to container so it knows whether to set cantaloupe url to localhost or curly.

crowesn commented 3 years ago

Also need to point cron job on curly to bash script in scripts dir.