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1139/ HUT : welcome_email #1150

Closed Janell-Huyck closed 6 months ago

Janell-Huyck commented 6 months ago

Fixes #1139

Fix welcome_email_spec.rb

We had been getting this error:

   586.2) Failure/Error: User.find_by_email(user_email).delete

            undefined method `delete' for nil:NilClass
          # ./spec/features/welcome_mailer_spec.rb:21:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'

This was being caused because the test was attempting to delete a user in an after block, when that user had never been created. It had never been created because the test that was supposed to create it was failing due to an error in the scss:

RSpec::Core::MultipleExceptionError: Error: "calc(100vh - 110px)" is not a number for `min'
        on line 1:30625 of stdin, in function `min`
        from line 1:30625 of stdin
>> x;flex:1;flex-direction:column;max-height:min(650px,calc(100vh - 110px));ove

This error was occurring in multiple places and multiple files. It was showing up because the failing feature tests were trying to look at pages that were requiring some javascript-enhanced scss (min(650px,calc(100vh - 110px))) that was failing.

Adding the following to the rails_helper allows the scss values to be appropriately calculated in feature tests:

  config.before(:each, type: :feature, js: true) do
    Capybara.javascript_driver = :selenium_chrome_headless