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WIP : Hyrax fullcrum #1157

Open scherztc opened 3 months ago

scherztc commented 3 months ago

Fixes #1129 Fixes #1132 Fixes #1134 Fixes #1135 Fixes #1137 Fixes #1138 Fixes #1139 Fixes #1141 Fixes #1152

Present short summary (50 characters or less)

This PR takes the details from :

The University of Michigan PR for Hyrax 3.4.1 : https://github.com/samvera/hyrax/releases?page=3 https://github.com/mlibrary/heliotrope/commit/27a5510254218ed058379ab505bfb4a4a18d4dc8#diff-d09ea66f8227784ff4393d88a19836f321c915ae10031d16c93d67e6283ab55f

GWU Scholarsphere : https://github.com/gwu-libraries/scholarspace-hyrax

The Wiki Entry from the Developer Congress : https://github.com/samvera/hyrax/wiki/Upgrade-Hyrax-2.x-to-Hyrax-3

The HUT issues from our UC Sprint : https://github.com/orgs/uclibs/projects/13/views/1

scherztc commented 2 months ago


scherztc commented 2 months ago

se = Sipity::Entity.all ses = se.map { |s| begin GlobalID::Locator.locate(s.proxy_for_global_id)
rescue Ldp::Gone => e s.delete next end

scherztc commented 2 months ago
