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Install and configure x-ray and cloudwatch. #918

Closed scherztc closed 3 years ago

scherztc commented 3 years ago

Descriptive summary

These two agents are used for monitoring of the servers and the application. They are Amazon utilities.

They use both an agent installed on the server and and initializer in the rails code.

Expected behavior

Actual behavior

Steps to reproduce the behavior

  1. Do this
  2. Then do this...

Related work

Link to related issues or prior related work here.

scherztc commented 3 years ago

[3:30 PM] Ganneni, Sai Bhanu Teja (gannensa)

xray.service ​[3:30 PM] Ganneni, Sai Bhanu Teja (gannensa)

xray: cfg.yaml ​[3:31 PM] Ganneni, Sai Bhanu Teja (gannensa)

amazon-cloudwatch-agent.json ​[3:31 PM] Ganneni, Sai Bhanu Teja (gannensa)

common-config.toml Edited

scherztc commented 3 years ago

We completed the install of the Cloudwatch and X-Ray agent on Scholar QA Web Server 1.

bhanutejags commented 3 years ago

Steps to Configure AWS XRay Daemon and AWS CloudWatch Agent

mkdir /tmp/aws
wget -O /tmp/aws/amazon-cloudwatch-agent.rpm https://s3.amazonaws.com/amazoncloudwatch-agent/redhat/amd64/latest/amazon-cloudwatch-agent.rpm
sudo rpm -U /tmp/aws/amazon-cloudwatch-agent.rpm

wget -O /tmp/aws/aws-xray-daemon.rpm https://s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/aws-xray-assets.us-east-2/xray-daemon/aws-xray-daemon-3.x.rpm
sudo rpm -U /tmp/aws/aws-xray-daemon.rpm

sudo systemctl stop xray
sudo systemctl stop amazon-cloudwatch-agent
sudo rm -rf /var/log/xray

sudo mkdir -p /var/log/amazon/{amazon-cloudwatch-agent,xray}
sudo chown -R scholar:scholar /var/log/amazon

sudo cp -f ./aws-xray/xray.service /etc/systemd/system/xray.service
sudo cp -f ./aws-xray/cfg.yaml /etc/amazon/xray/cfg.yaml
sudo cp -f ./aws-cw-agent/amazon-cloudwatch-agent.service /etc/systemd/system/amazon-cloudwatch-agent.service
sudo cp -f ./aws-cw-agent/common-config.toml /etc/amazon/amazon-cloudwatch-agent/common-config.toml
sudo cp -f ./aws-cw-agent/amazon-cloudwatch-agent.json /etc/amazon/amazon-cloudwatch-agent/amazon-cloudwatch-agent.json

sudo chown -R scholar:scholar /etc/amazon

sudo mkdir -p /srv/apps/.aws
sudo touch /srv/apps/.aws/{credentials,config}

sudo cp -f ./aws-cli/aws_config /srv/apps/.aws/config    
sudo cp -f ./aws-cli/aws_credentials /srv/apps/.aws/credentials

sudo chown -R scholar:scholar /srv/apps/.aws

sudo systemctl enable xray
sudo systemctl enable amazon-cloudwatch-agent

XRay Configuration Files

[Service] Type=simple WorkingDirectory=/usr/bin/ User=scholar Group=scholar ExecStart=/usr/bin/xray -c /etc/amazon/xray/cfg.yaml Restart=always LogsDirectory=amazon/xray LogsDirectoryMode=0755 ConfigurationDirectory=amazon/xray ConfigurationDirectoryMode=0755

[Install] WantedBy=network-online.target

* Configuration file: `cfg.yaml`
# Maximum buffer size in MB (minimum 3). Choose 0 to use 1% of host memory.
TotalBufferSizeMB: 0
# Maximum number of concurrent calls to AWS X-Ray to upload segment documents.
Concurrency: 8
# Send segments to AWS X-Ray service in a specific region
Region: "us-east-2"
# Change the X-Ray service endpoint to which the daemon sends segment documents.
Endpoint: "https://xray.us-east-2.amazonaws.com"
  # Change the address and port on which the daemon listens for UDP packets containing segment documents.
  UDPAddress: ""
  # Change the address and port on which the daemon listens for HTTP requests to proxy to AWS X-Ray.
  TCPAddress: ""
  LogRotation: true
  # Change the log level, from most verbose to least: dev, debug, info, warn, error, prod (default).
  LogLevel: "prod"
  # Output logs to the specified file path.
  LogPath: "/var/log/amazon/xray/xray.log"
# Turn on local mode to skip EC2 instance metadata check.
LocalMode: true
# Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the AWS resource running the daemon.
ResourceARN: ""
# Assume an IAM role to upload segments to a different account.
RoleARN: ""
# Disable TLS certificate verification.
NoVerifySSL: false
# Upload segments to AWS X-Ray through a proxy.
ProxyAddress: ""
# Daemon configuration file format version.
Version: 2

AWS CloudWatch Agent Configurations

Configuration for shared credential.

Default credential strategy will be used if it is absent here:

Instance role is used for EC2 case by default.

AmazonCloudWatchAgent profile is used for onPremise case by default.

[credentials] shared_credential_profile = "AmazonCloudWatchAgent" shared_credential_file = "/srv/apps/.aws/credentials"

Configuration for proxy.

System-wide environment-variable will be read if it is absent here.

i.e. HTTP_PROXY/http_proxy; HTTPS_PROXY/https_proxy; NO_PROXY/no_proxy

Note: system-wide environment-variable is not accessible when using ssm run-command.

Absent in both here and environment-variable means no proxy will be used.


http_proxy = "{http_url}"

https_proxy = "{https_url}"

no_proxy = "{domain}"


ca_bundle_path = "{ca_bundle_file_path}"

* `amazon-cloudwatch-agent.service`

Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.

SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

Location: /etc/systemd/system/amazon-cloudwatch-agent.service

systemctl enable amazon-cloudwatch-agent

systemctl start amazon-cloudwatch-agent

systemctl | grep amazon-cloudwatch-agent


[Unit] Description=Amazon CloudWatch Agent After=network.target

[Service] Type=simple ExecStart=/opt/aws/amazon-cloudwatch-agent/bin/start-amazon-cloudwatch-agent KillMode=process Restart=on-failure RestartSec=60s

[Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target

* Example: `amazon-cloudwatch-agent.json`

      "agent": {

        "metrics_collection_interval": 60,

        "logfile": "/opt/aws/amazon-cloudwatch-agent/logs/amazon-cloudwatch-agent.log",

        "region": "us-east-2",

        "debug": false,

        "run_as_user": "scholar"


      "metrics": {

        "namespace": "ScholarNamespace",

        "metrics_collected": {

          "cpu": {

            "resources": [



            "measurement": [

              {"name": "cpu_usage_idle", "rename": "CPU_USAGE_IDLE", "unit": "Percent"},

              {"name": "cpu_usage_nice", "unit": "Percent"},



            "totalcpu": false,

            "metrics_collection_interval": 10,

            "append_dimensions": {

              "customized_dimension_key_1": "customized_dimension_value_1",

              "customized_dimension_key_2": "customized_dimension_value_2"



          "disk": {

            "resources": [




            "measurement": [

              {"name": "free", "rename": "DISK_FREE", "unit": "Gigabytes"},




             "ignore_file_system_types": [

              "sysfs", "devtmpfs"


            "metrics_collection_interval": 60,

            "append_dimensions": {

              "customized_dimension_key_3": "customized_dimension_value_3",

              "customized_dimension_key_4": "customized_dimension_value_4"



          "diskio": {

            "resources": [



            "measurement": [







            "metrics_collection_interval": 60


          "swap": {

            "measurement": [






          "mem": {

            "measurement": [





            "metrics_collection_interval": 1


          "net": {

            "resources": [



            "measurement": [







          "netstat": {

            "measurement": [





            "metrics_collection_interval": 60


          "processes": {

            "measurement": [







        "force_flush_interval" : 30


      "logs": {

        "logs_collected": {

          "files": {

            "collect_list": [


                "file_path": "/opt/aws/amazon-cloudwatch-agent/logs/amazon-cloudwatch-agent.log",

                "log_group_name": "/scholar/libschqwl1",

                "log_stream_name": "scholar_cloudwatch_agent",

                "timezone": "UTC"



               "file_path": "/srv/apps/curate_uc/log/production.log",

                "log_group_name": "/scholar/libschqwl1",

                "log_stream_name": "scholar_rails",

                "timezone": "UTC"



               "file_path": "/srv/apps/curate_uc/log/sidekiq.log",

                "log_group_name": "/scholar/libschqwl1",

                "log_stream_name": "scholar_sidekiq",

                "timezone": "UTC"





        "force_flush_interval" : 15



[AmazonCloudWatchAgent] region = us-east-2 output = text

* `.aws/credentials`
aws_access_key_id = 
aws_secret_access_key = 

aws_access_key_id = 
aws_secret_access_key = 
scherztc commented 3 years ago

Completed with the deploy of Scholar 4.5.0