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Implement ordering in observable:MessageThread #393

Closed ajnelson-nist closed 2 years ago

ajnelson-nist commented 2 years ago


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Issue 389 imports the Collections Ontology to provide UCO with a reusable representation for ordered lists.

co:List implements a strictly linear list - it can have at most one "beginning" member, and at most one "ending" member. It cannot fork.

Message threads in UCO, such as email reply threads, can link into a semi-ordered structure, and be non-linear via forking (two replies to the same message) or multiple In-Reply-to header values (possible per RFC 2822, Section 3.6.4). So, a co:List would not serve the needs of UCO's email-based message threads.

The design of co:List could be adapted into a new sibling class of co:List. This proposal does so, defining in the UCO Types namespace a class types:Thread that supports partial ordering using classes and properties from the Collections Ontology that co:List had subclassed. With this types:Thread class, observable:MessageThread is refined as a subclass of types:Thread, enabling representation of reply sequences.


Requirement 1

UCO must have a class to represent partially ordered sets. This proposal will refer to that class as a Thread.

Requirement 2

A Thread must support one of its members being followed directly by 0, 1, or more other members.

Requirement 3

A Thread must support one of its members directly following 0, 1, or more other members.

Requirement 4

It must be possible to represent a gap in a thread's ordering, where some members are believed to follow others via an unknown but definite sequence of links.

Requirement 5

It must be possible to determine whether a member of a thread follows another member topologically, via knowledge of direct links or indirect links.

Requirement 6

observable:MessageThread must be able to represent a non-linear email thread, with 0, 1, or more In-Reply-to headers per email, and 0, 1, or more messages replying to any email.

Risk / Benefit analysis



Competencies demonstrated

Competency 1

Suppose an email message set is found, with In-Reply-to headers linking messages like this (where a higher integer connected to a lower integer means the message with the higher integer replied to the message with the lower integer):

 1     2     3
* --- * --- *
 \     \
  \     \ 4
   \     *
 5  \ 6
* --- *


Competency Question 1.1

How many messages were replied to how many times, on a scale of 0, 1, multiple?

Result 1.1

. . .
Messages replied to ... 0 times 3, 4, 6
1 time 5
>1 times 1,2
Messages replying to ... 0 messages 1, 5
1 message 2, 3, 4
>1 messages 6
Messages not in thread 7

These are represented in the unit test tests/examples/message_thread_PASS.json, kb:message-thread-1 and kb:message-7.

Competency Question 1.2

What messages follow 1, topologically?

Result 1.2

2, 3, 4, and 6.

This query is encoded in a Python unit test in the PR, test_message_thread().

Solution suggestion

The following table shows analogous classes and properties. Each property is cited with rdfs:seeAlso, and each class is designated owl:disjointWith, in the attached PR.

co:List types:Thread
co:ListItem types:ThreadItem
co:firstItem types:threadOriginItem
co:followedBy types:threadSuccessor
co:lastItem types:threadTerminalItem
co:nextItem types:threadNextItem
co:precededBy types:threadPredecessor
co:previousItem types:threadPreviousItem

In support of OWL inferencing, and to maintain parallel structure with the Collections Ontology, some OWL constructs are ported from the co:List class. The ported constructs are cited with rdfs:comments and/or rdfs:seeAlso.


sbarnum commented 2 years ago

I would disagree with the proposal to make observable:MessageThread a subclass of the newly proposed types:Thread as it is likely to have all the complex semantic entailment issues as outlined in Risk 7 of CP-389 (https://github.com/ucoProject/UCO/issues/389). observable:MessageThread MUST remain a subclass of observable:ObservableObject. If it is also made a subclass of types:Thread that is likely to cause issues. It should also not be made a subclass of observable:MessageThreadFacet for similar reasons.

I would propose that a much more straightforward and low risk approach would be to not alter the subclassing of the observable classes at all and rather simply rename the observable:message property to observable:messageThread and change its range to be types:Thread instead of observable:ObservableObject. This enables the full expression of the ordered message thread, aligns to the current intended meaning of the observable:message property, keeps consistent with all current semantics for ObservableObjects and for observable object Facets, and avoids the semantic entailment complexities of hybrid subclassing between UCO-native classes and CO classes.

ajnelson-nist commented 2 years ago

... rename the observable:message property to observable:messageThread and change its range to be types:Thread instead of observable:ObservableObject. ...

@sbarnum , because I remembered UCO's usage of types:ControlledDictionary, I will follow that referential pattern, modeling on observable:exifData.

Also, I had forgotten that UCO does not have observable:messageThread as a property. I'd misremembered an old stand-in property from the messages.json example.

I'll adjust this proposal to add observable:messageThread. We can decide on the call today whether observable:message should be deleted, in light of an unordered attachment pattern now being available via the property path observable:messageThread / co:element.

ajnelson-nist commented 2 years ago

I'm further inclined to recommend observable:message be deleted because it has a SHACL constraint requiring at least 1 object be referenced.

This is another instance of what I have found to be a harmful accident from the OWL translation. An OWL minimum cardinality 1 expresses that there exists at least one message for any given message thread. I agree there. The SHACL constraint fails your data if you don't make an explicit reference to a message, which is harmful because you might want to express that a thread exists with a concrete identifier, but you might not know yet which message objects are its members.

So I will recommend to the committee we also delete observable:message.

ajnelson-nist commented 2 years ago

Solution vote today incorporates that observable:message should be removed from observable:MessageFacet, and also removed from the ontology.