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Restructuring the `Software` class hierarchy #596

Open ajnelson-nist opened 4 months ago

ajnelson-nist commented 4 months ago


Participation by NIST in the creation of the documentation of mentioned software is not intended to imply a recommendation or endorsement by the National Institute of Standards and Technology, nor is it intended to imply that any specific software is necessarily the best available for the purpose.


UCO Issue 583 proposed several revisions around representations pertaining to software and its configuration.

This Issue focuses on one set of changes pertaining to a restructure of the class hierarchy pertaining to software, so some changes from 583 can be discussed and implemented for UCO 1.4.0.


Requirement 583-2

This requirement is ported from Issue 583:

Ability to characterize different types of software objects At a minimum this should include Software, Code, Application, Script, Library, Package, Process, Compiler, BuildUtility, SoftwareBuild, OperatingSystem, and ServicePack.

Risk / Benefit analysis


This benefit is ported from Issue 583:

  • Clarity and consistency of different forms of software observable objects


These risks are in addition to those listed on Issue 583.

Competencies demonstrated

(For the sake of discusssion, these examples avoid the UCO rule ending IRIs with UUIDs.)

Competency 1

On a laptop, a directory contains a lone, regular file that contains Python code.

#!/usr/bin/env python3
print("Hello, world!")

The SHA3-256 hash of this file's contents is 496e34e7fe23cf69f078cd1fe860b98b2e91101194773b2f144656c0bab877c3.

This below snippet characterizes this Python file with concepts predating this restructuring proposal: There is a File; separately there is a ContentData; and last there is a Relationship stating that the File contains that ContentData, for all times that the Relationship holds. (Let's assume the Relationship still holds.)

Note: This demonstration purposefully avoids attaching a ContentDataFacet directly to the File.

        observable:File ,
    core:hasFacet kb:FileFacet-2 ;
    a observable:FileFacet ;
    observable:fileName "hello.py" ;
    a observable:ContentData ;
    core:hasFacet kb:ContentDataFacet-4 ;
kb:ContentDataFacet-4 ;
    a observable:ContentDataFacet ;
    types:hash kb:Hash-5 ;
kb:Hash-5 ;
    a types:Hash ;
    types:hashMethod "SHA3-256"^^vocabulary:HashNameVocab ;
    types:hashValue "496e34e7fe23cf69f078cd1fe860b98b2e91101194773b2f144656c0bab877c3"^^xsd:hexBinary ;
    a observable:ObservableRelationship ;
    core:isDirectional true ;
    core:kindOfRelationship "Contained_Within" ;
    core:source kb:ContentData-3 ;
    core:target kb:File-1 ;

Competency Question 1.1

Which objects, between the File, ContentData and ObservableRelationship, are classified as, or constitute, the following?

Result 1.1


Competency 2

An Ubuntu server runs a service called mywebapp. Running the command service mywebapp status reports three tasks associated with the service. The primary task has PID 10001, and two other worker tasks have PIDs 10002 and 10003. A graph containing these objects contains at least the following:

        observable:LinuxService ,
    core:hasFacet kb:ProcessFacet-1 ;
    a observable:ProcessFacet ;
    observable:pid 10001 ;

    a observable:LinuxTask ;
    core:hasFacet kb:ProcessFacet-2 ;
    a observable:ProcessFacet ;
    observable:parent kb:Process-10001 ;
    observable:pid 10002 ;

    a observable:LinuxTask ;
    core:hasFacet kb:ProcessFacet-3 ;
    a observable:ProcessFacet ;
    observable:parent kb:Process-10001 ;
    observable:pid 10003 ;

(NOTE: observable:parent might require a revision to its modeling, due to the potential for processes to become daemons, orphans, zombies - each of which severs the original parent link. The community should consider this an invitation to propose updating practices pertaining to observable:parent, and whether deprecation is appropriate.)

Competency Question 2.1

Which objects are classified as observable:Tasks?

  ?nTask a/rdfs:subClassOf* observable:Task ;

Result 2.1

Competency Question 2.2

Which objects are classified as observable:Services?

SELECT ?nService
  ?nService a/rdfs:subClassOf* observable:Service ;

Result 2.2

Competency Question 2.3

Which processes are, or were, currently non-primary tasks for the service kb:Process-10001? If the process was a task, when is the relationship known to have ended?

Note this requires terminable parent-child relationship objects; and also, this example applies a custom string for core:kindOfRelationship. (Another proposal about strongly-typed ObservableRelationships linking child processes to parents would complement this example well.)

SELECT ?nTask ?lEndTime
    core:kindOfRelationship "Child_Process_Of_Process" ;
    core:source ?nTask ;
    core:target kb:Process-10001 ;
      core:endTime ?lEndTime ;

Result 2.3

Assume that the example is modified to remove these statements (which removes reliance on the mutative observable:pid property) ...

kb:ProcessFacet-2 observable:parent kb:Process-10001 .
kb:ProcessFacet-3 observable:parent kb:Process-10001 .

... and to add these instead:

    a observable:ObservableRelationship ;
    core:isDirectional true ;
    core:kindOfRelationship "Child_Process_Of_Process" ;
    core:source kb:Process-10002 ;
    core:target kb:Process-10001 ;
    a observable:ObservableRelationship ;
    core:isDirectional true ;
    core:kindOfRelationship "Child_Process_Of_Process" ;
    core:source kb:Process-10003 ;
    core:target kb:Process-10001 ;

To motivate modeling terminable relationships, consider this extra example data, which includes a representation that some process was spawned and became detached from the website service:

    a observable:Process ;
    core:description "/sbin/init" ;
    a observable:Process ;

    a observable:ObservableRelationship ;
    core:isDirectional true ;
    core:kindOfRelationship "Child_Process_Of_Process" ;
    core:source kb:Process-10987 ;
    core:target kb:Process-10001 ;
    core:endTime "2023-12-25T08:14:15.9Z"^^xsd:dateTime ;
    a observable:ObservableRelationship ;
    core:isDirectional true ;
    core:kindOfRelationship "Child_Process_Of_Process" ;
    core:source kb:Process-10987 ;
    core:target kb:Process-1 ;
    core:startTime "2023-12-25T08:14:15.9Z"^^xsd:dateTime ;

Then, the query portion pertaining to detached processes would show a process that left home for the holiday:

?nTask ?lEndTime
kb:Process-10987 2023-12-25T08:14:15.9Z

Solution suggestion

This diagram is ported from Issue 583's solution suggestion:

Semantically Structuring Software ObservableObjects

Since the initial implementation sketch of Issue 583, the following changes have been made:
