ucsb-cs156-f24 / proj-dining-f24-14

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Subissue: Endpoint for menus #14

Open oviyaseeniraj opened 1 week ago

oviyaseeniraj commented 1 week ago

Inherits from #42 Backend 2

Create a service that will get all of the menu items served in a particular dining commons for a particular meal on a particular date. Using the api endpoint described here: https://developer.ucsb.edu/apis/dining/dining-menu

Then build a controller endpoint GET /api/diningcommons/:date-time/:dining-commons-code/:meal that returns this information.

User Story

As a user of the dining commons app, I want to view the menu items for a specific dining commons, meal, and date, So that I can see what is being served and decide what I want to eat.

pconrad commented 1 week ago

@oviyaseeniraj please update this issue to be specific about which of these five original issues it comes from: #39 #40 #41 #42 and/or #43

Please also improve the description.

In particular, please add a user story to explain the role of this this new controller endpoint in addressing a user need.

What is the user story that requires us to build this service and this controller? Always start with that, and then describe what you are building in the code to support that. If this is a first step towards something that will be in the frontend, explain what the frontend feature will be that references this backend endpoint.