Issue F2: Frontend Announcements Create Page and Button
User story:
As an admin
I can create announcements for a user commons
So that I can communicate important information to the users (farmers)
Acceptance Criteria:
[ ] The Announcements Index page has a Create Announcement button that takes you to a page /admin/announcements/{commonsId}/create where you can create a new announcement for the commons identified by {commonsId}.
[ ] On the Create Announcement page at /admin/announcements/{commonsId}/create, the commonsId field is not entered by the user, but is implicitly set; it will come from the {commonsId} in the url via the useParams hook.
[ ] The page header at /admin/announcements/{commonsId}/create, should show the name of the commons. For example, if the name of the commons is Summer Meadows 123 the page should say something like Create Announcement for Commons Summer Meadows 123, with appropriate line breaks.
Issue F2: Frontend Announcements Create Page and Button
User story:
Acceptance Criteria: