ucsb-cs156-f24 / proj-rec-f24-05

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EPIC: Professors can accept/deny/complete Recommendation Requests #10

Open github-actions[bot] opened 1 day ago

github-actions[bot] commented 1 day ago

Note: Please read through all the instructions on this epic - we do not expect you to complete all of it at once, and you should ABSOLUTELY split it into separate issues and PRs. Feel free to tackle as much as you can, in order as specified below. Both epics in proj-rec are important to set the stage for the rest of the features.

User Story

As a professor
I can accept or deny a student's pending request
So that I can give students an update on their request
As a professor
I can mark accepted requests as completed
So that I can give students an update on their request
As a professor
I can change denied requests to accepted
So that I can change my mind, or correct a mistake if I deny by mistake.


When a student submits a recommendation request, it is not considered accepted until the professor accepts it. Professors should be able to change the status of an individual request.

A professor should also be able to see three pages (Pending, Completed, and Statistics). When they mark a request as completed, it will save the date that the request was marked completed.

Acceptance Criteria

Implementation Todos

F1: Pages for Professor are Implemented

F1.1: Pending Requests Page

F1.2: Completed Requests Page

F1.3: Statistics Requests Page

B1: Professor Role can edit the status field of a request

Make sure to query the backend correctly to ensure only requests for the current user professor are shown and on the proper pages. Let the staff know if you need help with this.