I can see tooltips to better understand the values on the Create Recommendation Request Page
So that I can more effectively create my request
This feature can only be completed AFTER epic #1. Or at least after the Form component for creating Recommendation Requests is complete.
There is a way to set "tooltips" on HTML elements, i.e. little pop ups to provide help text. They provide more context about the field being input for the request.
User Story
This feature can only be completed AFTER epic #1. Or at least after the Form component for creating Recommendation Requests is complete.
There is a way to set "tooltips" on HTML elements, i.e. little pop ups to provide help text. They provide more context about the field being input for the request.
Here is an example from proj-gauchoride:
And here is a link to the code that produces this: https://github.com/ucsb-cs156/proj-gauchoride/blob/main/frontend/src/main/components/Ride/RideForm.js
Pay special attention to sections of code such as this:
Acceptance Criteria
Implementation Todos