ucsb-cs156-m23 / proj-happycows-m23-10am-4

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Frontend `ChatDisplay` Component (MVP) #73

Closed iain801 closed 1 year ago

iain801 commented 1 year ago

Feature Summary

The aim is to have a chat box on the user commons page so that admin and users can send messages between each other.

This issue targets the frontend elements for the basic commons chat feature.


This is a big feature, so it should be broken up into multiple issues; the list below is one suggestion.

Remember "minimum viable product"; the first iteration of this would be a single chat room for each Commons, without DM features; just a global chat where everyone sees everything.

The list below mentions "hiding" messages (rather than deleting them). That's not part of MVP, so make sure that all of the MVP features get done first. However, I do suggest including the private boolean hidden; field in the entity even in the first iteration; database changes later are much more disruptive (since we don't have a good database migration strategy yet), so it's better to include all of the fields you might need in the initial run.

To that end, we might also include these fields in the entity:

private boolean dm; private Long toUserId

The dm field would initially always be false, and the toUserId field would be null; we'll use those fields later when/if we implement DMs (but that will be a separate Epic.)

Frontend ChatDisplay Component (MVP)