ucsb-cs156-m23 / proj-happycows-m23-10am-4

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Paginated Profits Table on User Homepage #93

Closed yuanchenmeng closed 1 year ago

yuanchenmeng commented 1 year ago


In this PR, I implemented a profits table component with pagination feature by utilizing bootstrap Pagination component and Ourtable component. Column headers are amount, date, health, and the number of cows. Most recent record appears at the top. Default pagesize = 7. User can navigate through the profit data pages by controls.

Minor Fix




Front end Coverage & Mutation Testing 100 % Dynamic contents are rendered as expected. Current Main branch has some issues when deploying on dokku. Demo branch: Yuanchen-dev-PagedProfitTable Or view storybook component.

Linked Issues

Closes #40 Closes #6

pconrad commented 1 year ago

Closing without merging since the PR feedback was ignored.