Add DELETE endpoint for a specific record in Game table.
Acceptance Criteria:
[x] In there is code for an
endpoint DELETE /api/Game?id=123 endpoint
that deletes the record if it exists, and returns 200 (ok) and
the text record 123 deleted, or returns 404 (Not Found) and
the text record 123 not found if it does not.
[x] The Swagger-UI endpoints for this endpoint is well documented
so that any member of the team can understand how to use it.
[x] The endpoint works as expected on localhost.
[x] The endpoint works as expected when deployed to Dokku.
[x] There is full test coverage (Jacoco) for the new code in
[x] There is full mutation test coverage (Pitest) for new code in
endpoint for a specific record in Game table.Acceptance Criteria:
there is code for an endpointDELETE /api/Game?id=123
endpoint that deletes the record if it exists, and returns 200 (ok) and the textrecord 123 deleted
, or returns 404 (Not Found) and the textrecord 123 not found
if it does