ucsb-cs156-s24 / proj-courses-s24-4pm-1

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Improve Course History Page Search - users can search for "CS156" as well as "156" #40

Closed ericknee closed 1 month ago

ericknee commented 1 month ago

Issue #12

As a...


I can...

search for 'CS156' instead of just '156'

So that...

it's easier to search for courses.


On the course history page, you are currently unable to search for 'CS156' and are not given any error message. We would like to change it so that you are able to search for 'CS156' and results for '156' would show up. This is so that users that are used to putting 'CS' or any department name in front of the course number are not set back in the search.

**Although the example I am using in this issue is for 'CS', we expect this to work for all departments and any non-digit characters that the user inputs before the course number.

Current output when 'CS156' is searched:


Expected output when 'CS156' is searched:


Acceptance Criteria

Implementation Todos

